Ideas have legs….an ode to Cong #88 #cong18

Sometimes ideas get poetic
4 Key Takeaways:
- It’s not easy and ideas don’t just happen.
- It’s still not easy but that’s what makes ideation so addictive.
- Ideas need harsh treatment as well as support.
- Ideas cannot ever be just about money.
About Alan Tyrrell:
Alan is lots of things to lots of people and most of them are a mystery to him.
A problem solver and a crisis fixer, he is embedded in communication for his living and works with companies facing complex business challenges.
You can find him on Linked In and with global advisory firm, Teneo.
Contacting Alan Tyrrell:
You can connect with Alan on LinkedIn.

By Alan Tyrrell
‘Ideas have legs’, I’ve often heard said
Some are short, some are long
Some are weak, others are strong
But whatever their length, whatever their strength
Ideas – old and new, must be tested not rested
Stretched and bent and twisted and pulled
Before alas being culled.
But culled ideas need know no shame,
Nor feelings of sorrow, nor weakness nor blame.
For they live bright burning lives
And can say at the end, ‘well, I tried’.
For trying, endeavour, not settling for less,
Are all part of the game when breaking new ground.
Crying, too, is not unknown,
In the wee small hours as you go it alone,
Pushing again into the great unknown.
And all pioneers of strange new ideas
Know fully the joy of this strange life.
The new facts and new figures;
Gut hunches and gut crunches,
New bits to add, old things to subtract.
The trepidation and fear, the perspiration and stress awaiting results from this one last test;
They know too well the complete lack of rest;
Living on beans yet still waking afresh;
And starting once more from the one that went wrong;
Before finally getting to hear that sweet song
The one that rings sweetly and loudly and strong “you’ve done it, you’ve made it, you were right all along”.
And that, dear friends, is my ode to the wonders of Cong.
Eoin has heard me sing and can testify that it was a one time only event by popular demand!