Saturday’s Unconference is Central to Congregation. Based around presentations in intimate virtual huddles everybody presents over the course of four sessions.
Kicking off at 10.00am with an orientation attendees are assigned randomly to moderated breakout rooms fore each of the four different huddles.
Guided by a chair in each venue, three people present at each virtual huddle.
Each participant will be given 10-15 minutes to share their insight with 5 mins Q&A/group comment. Everyone who attends will be allocated a speaking slot on the basis that everyone has earned their place and all are peers.
Presentations can be via laptop, flip charts, project/screen, props or straight forward conversation. Following presentation or sharing attendees will be invited to ask questions or share their own experience. .
Each session lasts one hour with generious networking time in between. Groups rotate each hour to a new venue and a new group of people. Each huddle kick offs with attendees introducing themselves via name/organisation/what you do and a life hack, which is a small gem of advice you would like to share from social media tools, a time saving idea or creative idea you have.
The one golden rule is no self promotion.
People respect you more for your insights, ideas, thoughts and discussion contributions and there is plenty of networking time to talk about business roles.
Sharing via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram etc is encouraged.