Ideas and The Eagle #9 #cong18

Often ideas arise through “need or problem solving” whether it was the need to change, make money or because something is broken. Throughout history things have become more complex as ideas have developed and the “needs/problems” of the human race have become more complex.
4 Key Takeaways:
- The Eagle
- Problems
- Change
- Progress
About Carol Passemard:
I am in the business of transforming people’s lives. My goal is to empower you to be Mindful and Encourage you to be the successful person you deserve to be. Imagine discovering the key that unlocks your full potential and in just 2 days!
Contacting Carol Passemard:

By Carol Passemard
Recently Carmen came to work with me on a Breakthrough Retreat; she had travelled all the way from Brazil because she wanted to change the way things were in her life and had heard about me through a Brazilian friend I worked with a few years ago. Carmen brought with her a fascinating story about eagles. She told me this was why she was here and looking to change her own life just as the eagle did.
The Eagle story went like this: When an eagle reaches the age of 40 its talons become worn and they are unable to use them effectively to catch their prey, their sharp beaks become bent and their feathers are old, thick and heavy making flying more difficult.
It is said the eagle has the potential to live for 70 years but faced with two options – death or change.
In order to change the eagle flies up into the mountains to its nest and starts the process by knocking out it’s beak on the rocks so that a new beak can grow in its place. The eagle uses the new beak to pull out each talon and finally plucks out all of its feathers; allowing new talons and feathers to regrow. The whole process is laborious and painful but as the eagle is committed to living for another 30 years it is prepared to make these sacrifices.
I assured Carmen that she would not have to go through such a painful process working with me and that we had two days to get her to a place where she knew how to fly again!
My time with Carmen caused me to think about how we as a human race have evolved from early man as hunter gatherers to where we are now and that in fact it is through our need for change that we create new ideas whether it be to develop new tools to improve our efficiency in growing crops or in this day and age developing computers and the advent of artificial intelligence.
In the early years ideas developed slowly and the pace of life was dependent upon survival. Information around new ideas would have been passed on from generation to generation; through word of mouth and no doubt changed as newer generations developed their own ideas. Interesting books about the way we have developed are:
Spiral Dynamics by Don Edward Beck and Christopher C Cowen
Values and the Evolution of Consciousness by Adriana S. James
Often ideas arise through “need or problem solving” whether it was the need to change, make money or because something is broken.
Throughout history things have become more complex as ideas have developed and the “needs/problems” of the human race have become more complex.
We are at a stage in life where there are now many ways to solve problems and choice has become an integral part of our lives.
In the 21st century with the advent of social media we have too many places to go to look for solutions. I believe we have reached an overload point
Here are 13 simple techniques that you may consider when faced with a problem that you want to fix and create new ideas:
1. What is the problem?
2. What do you have now?
3. Why do you need to change?
4. What specifically would you like instead?
5. What will this outcome do for you?
6. How are you going to know when you have come up with the best idea to fix your problem?
7. What are you going to see, hear, feel and say to yourself when you have come up with the best idea to resolve your problem?
8. Are there any negative emotions coming up that may stop you from achieving what you want to achieve?
9. When do you need to take action with your new idea?
10. Are there any specific benchmarks or timescales to consider?
11. What is your budget?
12. What is your idea going to get for you?
13. How committed are you to making this happen?
By answering these questions you can start to come up with thoughts and ideas that have the potential to overcome your problem.
If you already have a brilliant idea for something; find out if others have come up with similar problems and maybe your solution/idea could help them; in which case it becomes a possible way of making money. Or indeed they may have already come up with an idea the same as yours.
Make sure you do plenty of market research before you go too far down the route of developing your idea.
Create a business strategy and know when you need to stop if things are not quite going according to plan! This will save you time, money and stress.
If your idea is original, viable and attractive to others you will be in a much better position to sell it.
Where are our ideas going to take us in the future? Well we can continue to develop and grow through our ideas ensuring that they are not only beneficial for ourselves and our wider community but we also need to start thinking about what impact our idea is going to have on the planet. If we just create ideas that benefit our own pockets we are in danger destroying our precious planet.
Once the eagle has gone through its process of change it can go on living for another 30 years gliding around on the thermals, feeding on its most favoured prey and continue being the magnificent bird it was born to be.
Watch Carol’s submission below.
Listen to Carol’s #cong18 submission ‘Ideas and the Eagle’.