The theme of Legacy fits into my thought process lately. I find it poignant for the times we are living in, as we see our world changing along with our friendships, wishing those old friendships well, but falling away for a new beginning.
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Key Takeaways:
- Be Open to a Different View
- Leave a ‘Legacy’ of Love and Healthy Family Ties
- Thank you Eoin! What a Legacy!
- The Parting Glass
About Ginger Aarons:
Ginger is the founder of Time Travel, LLC … often called Time Travel Tours. She offers bespoke travel to Ireland & The British Isles. Also offering personal, bespoke requests for family genealogies. Passionate about what she does by offering a way to learn while you travel, introducing the best of the best in Ireland in what they do, offer and teach with common philosophies, ethics and goals for the world. She is also a travel and foodie writer for several magazines and online magazines. Often referred to as the one that knows everyone, she is a connector and one that is always making a connection for someone, because to her, that is what it’s all about.
Originally from South of the Mason-Dixon Line, and after 30 years, she has become an all-around Portland girl that loves the fact that she gets to live and work in two of the best places in the world, the Pacific Northwest and Ireland … what could possibly be better?
Lover of music (it DOES make the world go ’round.. not money), a supporter of the arts, do-gooder, Masterpiece Theater watcher since the age of 12, a supporter of the historic house, genealogy nut, and avid antique collector..
Contacting Ginger Aarons;

By Ginger Aarons
As I ponder the theme of Legacy, I have been proud to be a part of this group of ‘free thinkers’ for the past 10 years.
We all leave a legacy, intentional or not. This is one I will always cherish.
In the past few congregations, I have been relegated to the bookshop, on a shelf via Zoom, to join in as my choosing to stay for our American Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays becomes part of my legacy for my children. Now that my parents are gone, showing up for my family is prominent in my life as the new matriarch of my own family. We have chosen a different legacy to leave in changing the way our family exists, leaving the games of those who came before us behind for a better way. We are a no-drama family, well not much anyway. My niece is doing the same in her own family. A conscious decision to make a difference in what our legacy will be. Family. No drama. Love. Understanding. Discussion. Different points of view are welcome. Emotional intelligence.
*Note – Thanksgiving falls on the same weekend as Congregation.
I think back to when I first met our fearless and tireless leader, Eoin, and his wonderful family. A family that has open discussions and dialog. He has created an unconference to point the way for open discussions where we can all have a voice and an opportunity to express ourselves in many different ways. From singing, storytelling, musical instruments, poetry, craft, drawing your notes instead of the painstaking writing of them, education, tech, and virtual reality, just to name a few. We’ve all learned and grown from this process of the unconference. One environment where we are free to talk about almost anything, for this, I thank Eoin for leaving a legacy of acceptance and love.
To those that are just joining Congregation: Keep an open mind. Encourage all discussions. Learn from each other and your unique experiences of life and learning. There is much to be gained from each other if you keep an open heart and an open mind to a different view. Remember that being a newbie is good for the ongoing vision of Eoin’s unconference and Congregation as a whole.
As I part this year from Congregation, I wish you all well and in the best of health and love.
You’ve all inspired me in many different ways. My parting hope is that you will not let political bias get in the way of open discussions of all topics. It only causes an echo chamber where innovative thought and processes are halted.
So, fill to me the parting glass, Goodnight, and joy be with you all.