Gamified Community Building #68 #cong19


How can we most effectively build stronger – more inclusive – communities in the age of Netflix

Key Takeaways:

One route may be analogue games – devising a crafty plan to immerse communities in a gamified reality – thus bringing them together. Another would be to use the walkey-talkey-nature of Whatsapp, to create an intriguing game world around them.

About Richard McCurry and Virginia Mateo

Virginia, a consolidated translator, is presently dabbling in motherhood with a blend of canine psychology. Richard – who has apparently made Chinese more fun to learn than skiing through his startup Newby Chinese – enjoys the odd nappy change, while also revelling in the fact that his ginger-gene has triumphed over Spanish blood.

Contacting Richard McCurry:

You can reach Richard by email

By Richard McCurry and Virginia Mateo

See Richard and Virginia’s video submission below

  • Bob Kennedy says:

    Thought provoking and very entertaining video.
    Your comment about minding the dog could become a business opportunity. Most pet owners would prefer to leave pet with someone and not in a sterile kennell. Maybe you can begin a ‘Pet Air B&B’. Locals can register and offer the service. Selling feature is that your pet becomes part of their family for a few days. Fees could be negotiable.
    Good Luck

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