Virtually There – Virtual Zoom Backgrounds for #cong21

I know its a bitter disappointment to not be able to celebrate CongRegation in Cong itself.  However in an attempt to get closer to the feel of the village I have made some virtual background from the different venues.  Hopefully they should bring back some happy memories.  There are 12 in total with the last two for the evening poetry open mic and stand up.


  1. Right click on the image (or images) below and click ‘save as’ to your computer
  2. Log into zoom (you can do this before hand if you have an account)
  3. Once you are in a meeting scroll over the screen until the icons appear at the bottom.
  4. Turn on your video.
  5. Beside the ‘Stop Video’ you should see a little arrow.
  6. Click on it until you see ‘Choose Virtual Background’ appear.
  7. Click the small plus button (+) and find your background you saved to your computer.
  8. You can repeat this for all the images and change for the different huddles

Virtual Backgrounds below.

1. Toghers Photos Gallery

2. Byrne & Butler

3. Puddleducks

4. Rare and Recent 

5. Lydons

6. The Quiet Cailin

7. Ryans Hotel

8. Pat Cohan’s

9. Danagher’s

10. The Court House 

11. Poetry Open Mic/Stand Up

12. Danagher Bar Open Mic

13. Chairperson