Does my Bum Look Big in this Reality? #22 #cong23 #reality


We spend our lives acquiring knowledge and facts. At each stage of our lives we are judged on our ability to retain knowledge and have valuable skills to trade in the world.
2023 seems to have changed our reality and machines can hide our inabilities and lack of skills? is this a good thing?

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Key Takeaways:

  1. .Reality is a very competitive landscape.
  2. We can spend our lives trying to keep up.
  3. We can choose to delude ourselves instead
  4. AI, Botox and Bots are distorting our reality and helping us play the game of delusion.

About Ailish Irvine:

I deliver workshops for Businesses and Community groups by day. By night I’m a mother of 3 on the side of a pitch wishing I had a warmer jacket and more money to move to Italy.

Contacting Ailish Irvine:

You can connect with Ailish on Twitter (x), LinkedIn and Facebook.

By Ailish Irvine

Let’s face it Reality can sometimes be a bit of a let down. For the first four years of your life you spend it in a place where your family thinks you’re entertaining, smart, fun and clever. You manage to dazzle them in play school with your ability to make great items from morla (I can’t say playdough it doesn’t sit right with me.)

Then you go to Big School and you discover that counting to 10 is not quite the superpower that you imagined it was, this place is filled with kids who’ve mastered this skill. You better get more skills quickly, could you learn one to ten in Irish?

You cruise along merrily for a few years until multiplication and long division seem to weed out a few of the competition. After you master long division you’re convinced that world domination is definitely just around the corner, Then you go to secondary school.

No No No, there seem to be clever people here too. You could keep learning stuff, there will be a few facts that sit well with you that you’d like to bring into the real world, things like consumer rights, how your body works and enough French to get you to chat up a tourist a few years later in college. Maybe college will offer something different. Oh crap the really clever ones are here.

You get to face a few harsh realities along the way, you’re not the smartest, prettiest, funniest, richest most energetic soul out there and these things can get you places.

You find a job and realise that the college education didn’t quite prepare you for it, you’re going to have to learn more stuff.

In the world of 2023 everyone is playing a game, filters, fillers and botox and avatars have given people the tools they need to navigate the world a bit more smoothly. Reality can be masked and hidden and camouflaged. Knowledge though, my thirst for you has been satiated this year like no other stage of my life. I have been given the tools to change my reality.

Reality is nearly always based on your perception and perspective, if you’re feeling confident nobody can rain on your parade. If you’re feeling unsure and sorry for yourself you will see evidence everywhere as to why you should be. If you want to believe something because it helps you get through the day then I think reality is hugely overrated. Delusion all the way I say. If you can’t do something, find a tool that will help you do it.

If you can’t draw Ai can help you and tools like Ideogram and Midjourney can help you bring ideas to life. ChatGPT and GithubCopilot can help you write code. All of these baffling until I came across PI, your personal AI assistant who can talk to you and offer life advice.

She’s quite like ChatGPT, just got a friendlier tone and she’s great for giving little pep talks.

If you ask her if you look ok she’ll probably be quite gentle.

When you sign up, this is your welcome message.

She wants to talk about whatever is on my mind, Oh poor poor PI.

So I told her about what was on my mind and asked her for a little reassurance.

Here is how I got on.


Unlock your purpose to achieve your goals! #3 #cong22


In today’s fast-moving world, it’s easy to get caught up in the stress of everyday life and let your passions take a backseat. While it might be important to have a career you truly love and care about, it’s even more important to have a purpose. If you find that the things you do every day don’t necessarily align with who you are as a person and your passions, then it might be time to unlock your purpose and achieve your goals. To enjoy a fulfilled and happy life, I think everyone needs to understand our core values and beliefs about what is important in life. Unlocking your purpose is not just about finding out what makes you tick; it can also help you find fulfilment in the things that matter most to you. With some self-reflection, dedication, and practice, unlocking your purpose can be easier than ever before.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Start with Why
  2. Discover your values
  3. Look at your strength and skills
  4. Find out what you love to do most

About Stan McGowan

Branding and Digital Marketing expert who enjoys spending time with family & kids, doing music, photography, cooking, and swimming 😀

Contacting Stan McGowan

You can find out more about Stan on StanMcGowan

By Stan McGowan

In today’s fast-moving world, it’s easy to get caught up in the stress of everyday life and let your passions take a backseat. While it might be important to have a career you truly love and care about, it’s even more important to have a purpose. If you find that the things you do every day don’t necessarily align with who you are as a person and your passions, then it might be time to unlock your purpose and achieve your goals. To enjoy a fulfilled and happy life, I think everyone needs to understand our core values and beliefs about what is important in life. Unlocking your purpose is not just about finding out what makes you tick; it can also help you find fulfilment in the things that matter most to you. With some self-reflection, dedication, and practice, unlocking your purpose can be easier than ever before.

What is Your Purpose?
Purpose is the reason why you exist. It is the reason why you get up in the morning and do what you do. It is the reason you exist. Finding your purpose is the holy grail of life; this is what psychologists, philosophers, and self-help gurus have talked about for decades. The more you learn to know about yourself, the easier and more fulfilling it will be for you to find your purpose.

Start with why.
Finding your reason for doing something can help you unlock your purpose. We naturally do what we enjoy and what we find meaningful, and when you understand why you are doing something particularly, you can put more energy and passion into it. This applies to any career or field of study. If you pursue a certain degree, you need to know why you are doing it. If you have a core desire and an overarching reason for making a particular career choice, it will help you focus on what is most important in your life. Doing what you love and what you are passionate about doesn’t just make you more productive, it also gives you a genuine sense of fulfilment. But don’t get caught up in pursuing the enjoyment of spending hours daily scrolling through social media timelines. Of course, if only it’s not what you do for a living as, for example, a social media marketer, which can also be considered as purpose, but those are rather rare occurrences.

Discover your values.
First, you need to discover your values, which are the guiding principles that you live by and are the things that are most important to you. They can be anything from having a fulfilling family life to making a difference in the world by engaging in community work or helping others. You might have certain beliefs about religion or social justice, and these can also be considered values. Understanding your core values can help you figure out what your purpose is, and having core values and a purpose in life can be an enormous source of motivation. When you know your values, making decisions that align with your personal beliefs will be easier. For example, if you know that having a healthy work-life balance is a core value, then accepting a promotion might be easier. If you have no clue what your values are, then you will have to spend time figuring them out. This could be a long and involved process, so make sure you are committed to the task. But the majority of people I know or spoke with agree that the Covid pandemic has made them rethink their values and what’s important in their lives today.

Look at your strengths and skills.
If you know your core values, you can start to look at your life and see what areas fit with these values. You can also try a strengths-based approach to help you identify your top strengths. For example, what are the things that make you feel most productive and engaged? Knowing your strengths and skills can also give you ideas about how to use them to pursue your purpose in life. For example, if you consider yourself a good public speaker, you might want to get involved in advocacy work. If you have a mathematical/analytical mindset, you might want to use those skills to pursue a career in data science.

Find out what you love to do.
This can be the same as finding out what you are good at. It can also be helpful to try different things and see what really excites you. Doing something you truly love and are passionate about can help unlock your purpose. This can also be related to your core values. For example, if you have a core value of helping others, then you can use that to narrow down what you love to do. You might love working with children or helping the elderly. You might love writing or programming. You might love playing music or singing. Use your values as a filter, and you will naturally be drawn to the things that you love to do.

Finally, finding your purpose isn’t an easy task. It may take a lot of self-reflection and soul-searching. It might even be a lifelong journey where you make new discoveries about yourself over time. However, it’s important to make unlocking your purpose a priority. It can help you have a more fulfilled and happy life. It can also help you achieve your goals and lead a more meaningful life. With some self-reflection, dedication, and practice, you can unlock your purpose and achieve your goals faster than ever before.

Clare Dillon Leadership Skills, Behaviours & Attributes – What Should We Be Looking For

Leadership Skills, Behaviours & Attributes – What Should We Be Looking For? #20 #cong21


 Leaders today don’t necessarily have the will, opportunity, or wherewithal to effectively lead us to a great future state. This article takes a look at just some of the skills, behaviours and attributes are needed for today’s and tomorrow’s leaders.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Leaders aren’t cutting it today.
  2. 8 skills, behaviours & attributes I would like to see in today’s and future leaders.
  3. Some brief thoughts on how to develop them.

About Clare Dillon:

Clare Dillon is the part-time Executive Director of InnerSource Commons, the world’s largest community of InnerSource practitioners. InnerSource is the practice of using open source methods and behaviours to develop proprietary software within organizational boundaries. Clare has been involved with InnerSource Commons since early 2019, when she helped set up NearForm’s InnerSource practice. She is also a qualified coach and consults on future world of work skills and organizational change for a digitally transformed world. Previously, Clare was a member of the Microsoft Ireland Leadership Team, heading up their Developer Evangelism and Experience Group. Clare recently sent up Open Ireland Network as a community for people interested in the open ecosystem in Ireland. She also works with the OSPO++ Network to support the establishment of University and Government Open Source Program Offices globally, that can collaborate to implement public policy and trustworthy public services through open collaboration. Clare frequently speaks at international conferences and corporate events on topics relating to the open collaboration, future of work, innovation trends and digital ethics.

Contacting Clare Dillon:

You can contact Clare by email or connect on LinkedIn.

Clare Dillon Leadership Skills, Behaviours & Attributes – What Should We Be Looking For

By Clare Dillon

Why we need leadership?

The world has changed. A few years ago, at Cong, I shared ideas about how the “4th Industrial Revolution” is changing the way we work and live, but I didn’t foresee a global pandemic accelerating change monumentally. The world is more complex now than ever before. The world is in-undated with misinformation. The past is not necessarily a predictor of the future. Trust in our societal institutions is at an all time low. The ice caps are melting and inequality is rising. To tackle global problems, we are all likely going to have to dramatically change how we live and work, and it won’t be easy. Great leadership is needed!

But who is leading? What makes a good leader? And how do we create more of them?

Leadership is such a broad topic, that it is very hard to do the topic justice in a short article. So, I have limited myself today by focusing on some of the emerging skills, behaviours and attributes I feel are needed by leaders today. Some that are perhaps mentioned less often in the many traditional lists of Leadership qualities.

Who is leading?

The first topic I want to touch on is who is actually “leading” these days. There has been a lot of discussion over the past week about “world leaders” due to their gathering at COP26. In many of the companies I have worked with, there is a class of employee who get tagged as “leaders”.

I am starting to use a lot of quotes at this stage. In my mind, many of our so-called “leaders” these days have a lot of work to do on their leadership skills. COP26 coverage shows a staggering amount of hypocrisy, a shocking lack of diversity and representation, or even a lack of ability to stay awake to hear the issues.

What don’t these “leaders” do?

  • Lead by example
  • Upset the status quo or vested interests that pay/influence them
  • Advocate for marginal / minority positions
  • Give adequate representation to those they “lead”
  • Dedicate enough time / bandwidth to even consider the idea of personal development

I could go on. But fundamentally, I think many of these leaders don’t really understand what leadership in today’s world should look like. They are often not particular trying to lead people to a new and better place, as they are so often invested in maintaining the status quo. They are trapped in systems where they feel the need to maintain control over leading to an uncertain future. They certainly don’t often exhibit many of the qualities I list below.

In some ways, I have sympathy, what was required of “leaders” in the past was often stability, consistency, efficiency. But the world has changed, and what got us here is not what will get us where we need to go.

These days leadership is not just coming from people who have been tagged as “leaders”. Top down hierarchies and power structures obviously still exist, but many have proven that is it’s certainly no longer necessary to be appointed to a position of authority to be able to lead. In a time when anyone has the potential to lead, what should we be looking for in a leader?

What does a real leader look like?

I’ve included below some areas which I feel are necessary, but lacking, in much leadership today.

So here they are, in no particular order…

A Leader Can Inspire, Change and Sustain

Difference contexts require difference skills – but leaders these days need to know how to effect change when change needs to happen, but also how to effectively sustain and inspire people that need to keep wheels turning and make things happen over a much more sustained period of time. Some people are more skilled in one rather than the other. It’s important to think about leveraging different balances of leadership skills depending on the context.

A Leader is Trustworthy

Untrustworthy leaders can’t lead effectively, so it is worthwhile looking at what makes someone trustworthy. TheHarvard Business Review summarizes in nicely in this article on the Three Elements of Trust:

By understanding the behaviors that underlie trust, leaders are better able to elevate the level of trust that others feel toward them. Here are the three elements:

  • Positive Relationships. Trust is in part based on the extent to which a leader is able to create positive relationships with other people and groups.
  • Good Judgement/Expertise. Another factor in whether people trust a leader is the extent to which a leader is well-informed and knowledgeable. They must understand the technical aspects of the work as well as have a depth of experience.
  • The final element of trust is the extent to which leaders walk their talk and do what they say they will do.

This is perhaps a more traditional point. However, it’s worth noting that in the glare of social media, and amidst trends of transparency and openness – there are new standards that have to be met in order to be trustworthy.

A leader Understands Context

In recent years I have become a fan of two subject matter areas that help people understand the changing nature of the landscape they are operating in (Wardley Mapping) and how to choose a way forward depending on the context you are in (Cynefin Framework for Decision Making). I do not have the time to go into any details on either, but I would highly recommend folks look into each area to help understand how to better navigate our changing world. Some fundamental truths I have learned are that context matters, expertise is no longer always enough to get to the “right” answer to a given problem (indeed can incorrectly bias folks), and there is rarely a one-size-fits-all answer.

A Leader Knows How to Fail Well

Leaders can’t be expected to get it right all the time. They should know how to deal with failure, and in fact welcome it in stages of experimentation.

In the area of Complex Adaptive Systems, it’s well understood that experimentation is at the heart of how to find a path to the future. However, the thing with experimentation is that you have to allow room for failure. I can’t tell you how much resistance there is among leaders to the idea of allowing failure, or even mentioning it. So many people (and in particular those that have risen to become called leaders) have been conditioned to never fail, always be successful. However, real leadership gives space for failure, knowing it’s the best way to learn.

A leader is an Excellent Communicator

A leader brings clarity of direction, and that means bringing it beyond buzzwords and using tools other than propaganda mechanisms. What that means is changing rapidly in today’s world. An excellent podcast with Zak Stein on the Jim Rutt show recently talks about the dangers of mis-information and how we are all on a path to Mutually Assured Destruction if we continue to allow the information wars to continue in our societies unabated.

I would highly recommend it to help understand what is going wrong in our world, how “leaders” are inadvertently losing trust, and how the tried and tested mechanisms for communicating are being hijacked. Future leaders understand the difference between propaganda and education, between inspiration and manipulation.

Building on the point about empathy, leaders should practice nonviolent communication. As described in Wikipedia: nonviolent communication is not a technique to end disagreements, but one that focuses on effective strategies for meeting fundamental needs for all parties in a conversation. The goal is interpersonal harmony and obtaining knowledge for future cooperation. Notable concepts include rejecting coercive forms of discourse, gathering facts through observing without evaluating, genuinely and concretely expressing feelings and needs, and formulating effective and empathetic requests.

A Leader Engages in Open Collaboration

As with other points listed, this little point in itself is a huge body of knowledge. I would submit that whereas the past century prioritised competition and control, the future will depend on open collaboration to accelerate innovation and produce levels of inclusion and trust necessary to make positive changes happen. As a starting point, here are the five characteristics of an open organization (from ): Transparency, Inclusivity, Adaptability, Collaboration, Community.

Building on that topic, skills like consensus building, decision making, remote working, flexible working (e.g. working in asynchronous environments), effective incentivization, and community building are all related to this point. Each one could also be a standalone topic in a list such as this, with huge bodies of knowledge behind each.

I’ll also note here that I only relatively recently found out there the top level on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs above self-actualization, and that is self-transcendence or interdependence (pic thanks to ( We will never get to where we need to alone!


A leader impacts Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)

There has been so much discourse about D&I, I am not going to re-iterate the many reasons why increasing D&I in any team, and in particular in “leadership”, has been proven to be a good thing (better decision making, more innovation, increased profits, increased trust to name but a few). The point here is that good leaders don’t just “care” about D&I – they do something to increase it.

A leader is a Designer of Spaces

Another amazing skill is creating and maintaining spaces. I look at the list below from Leandro Herrero in this great Sketchnote by Tammy Vora, and I am struck by how often this is not done at all (not to mind done well) by today’s “leaders”.

Leadership Spaces

How do we get more, good, leaders?

Listed above are just some of the skills, behaviours, and attributes of the leaders we need for today and the future. I am sure there are many more, and I look forward to hearing more in Cong.

In recent years, I have been buoyed when I see amazing examples of leadership coming from unexpected places. Whether it’s the amazing grassroots campaign like Repeal the Eight or the young leaders of the Climate Justice mass movement, or the achievements of a small group of dedicated folks like the team behind Grow Remote, there are examples of brilliant leadership all around us driving changes that help shape our world for the better. These are just a few that spring to mind – there are many, many more.

And we need even more to solve the problems and address the opportunities our world is now throwing at us. Here is where the rubber hits the road…. Of this list of traits and skills (and I am sure there are more I haven’t even listed), who has them? How do we nurture them when we see them? How do we develop them?

Traditional education mechanisms are probably not sufficient. We could create a future of work “leadership course”, but there is a risk it would get packed out with “leaders” who are often trapped by constraints and circumstances that make it impossible for them to lead us as we need to be led. That’s not enough.  Perhaps we need to look at some alternative ways in which we can foster these skills.

There is so much great learning material and assets out there already, the challenge is often finding them and applying them to a given context. Looking at some “future of education” trends, perhaps what’s called for is a community, or a network of de-centralised education hubs, or opportunities for more peer-to-peer learning with some mutual curation and coaching. I look forward to discussing ideas of how we might address this at Cong!

Title Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

The Most Valuable Skills for Society 3.0 #21 #cong20


 As a lecturer and parent I constantly carry out a reality check: what are the most important skills we should be teaching students and the skills we should attain ourselves? How could we prepare for Society 3.0 marked by uncertainty?

But this should not be an exercise focused on academic skills only or even on competencies for the future of work, but it should more broadly include practical life skills to help manage health and well-being and solve problems throughout a lifetime; they should be independent of specific career paths, valuable to our personal, organisational and collective well-being and ideally, such skills ought to be relevant for a few decades. While the list I’ve come up with is not exhaustive and skills are not all mutually exclusive I’ve zeroed in on twelve skill areas, which are far from being novel, but seem to be gaining relevance.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Building Society 3.0 will require a mix of “hard” (technical) and “soft” (people) 21st century skills.
  2. Although far from novel, it is a good idea to revisit the skills map to more closely align it with our challenging times.
  3. The skills associated with innovation are central to nurturing responsible citizens and leaders.
  4. The 12 skill areas may be treated as practical, useful, real-world skills to help build the kind of Society 3.0 we aspire to.

About Victor Del Rosal

Victor del Rosal is Senior Consultant and Lecturer of Innovation and Emerging Technologies for MSc programmes at National College of Ireland in Dublin. Book author: “Disruption: Emerging Technologies and the Future of Work” (Amazon/Kindle), used as a textbook in universities in Ireland, Switzerland and the US. Victor has worked as Head of Business Analysis for High Tech & Telecom at the Tata Consultancy Services Supply Chain Center of Excellence (Dublin), as Director of Strategy and Business Development for Irish cloud services provider CloudStrong (recently acquired by Arkphire). Victor holds a BSc in Industrial and Systems Engineering (Monterrey Tech) and MSc in Management (UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School) and he is certified in “Managing Innovative Technology” (Oxford University, UK)..

Contacting Victor Del Rosal:

You can connect with Victor on LinkedIn.

By Victor Del Rosal.

Amidst a second lockdown in Ireland and widespread global social and economic disruption, even the idea of a “new normal” for 2021 is uncertain at best. It might be fitting to recall a quote coined by American writers Laura Riding and Alan Graves in 1937: “the future is not what it used to be.” It does feel like we have crossed a threshold which is more like a one-way portal into a parallel version of reality, where still much is unknown.

As a lecturer and parent I constantly carry out a reality check: what are the most important skills we should be teaching students and the skills we should attain ourselves? How could we prepare for Society 3.0 marked by uncertainty and accelerating trends such as cognitive automation?

But this should not be an exercise focused on academic skills only or even on competencies for the future of work, but it should more broadly include practical life skills to help manage health and well-being and solve problems throughout a lifetime; they should be independent of specific career paths, valuable to our personal, organisational and collective well-being and ideally, such skills ought to be relevant for a few decades. While the list I’ve come up with is not exhaustive and skills are not all mutually exclusive I’ve zeroed in on twelve skill areas, which are far from being novel, but seem to be gaining relevance.

So, what could be the most valuable skills for building Society 3.0?

  1. Curiosity and play. In 2015 the World Economic Forum with Boston Consulting Group produced a landmark report titled the New Vision for Education that lists sixteen 21st century skills and included in that list is curiosity. I have it at the top of my list because I contend that without curiosity, which equates to a genuine interest in something, it is incredibly hard to devote the time to learn—and never mind—master any knowledge domain. It is perhaps the key that unlocks the appetite for proactive learning and exploration based on a primal need to discover, hence I see it a gateway to many of the other skills listed below. I also recognise how important it is to stay curious outside of school and work, perhaps as a way to avoid mental health issues.

Closely connected to curiosity is play. Harvard Education PhD Tony Wagner posits that allowing students to follow their curiosity should naturally lead to a state of play and exploration and this in turn should help develop future professionals who are genuinely interested in pushing their disciplinary boundaries. This approach could contribute to building a more vibrant Society 3.0.

  1. Learning to think.Also very high on the list is the ability to thinking logically, critically, analytically and, more broadly, developing common sense which should also include the ability to spot and avoid the many fallacies of thinking (including “fake news”). This also includes computational thinking, or the ability to recognise patterns, represent data, generate abstractions and generalisations, among a long list of thinking abilities.


  1. Creativity.It has been said that creativity is intelligence having fun. From an innovation perspective, creativity is about letting the mind make novel connections and new insights between seemingly disconnected information. While creativity per se does not require that value be added or that a problem be solved, it is indeed a key component to complex problem solving and to innovation, and Society 3.0 will require huge doses of it.


  1. Learning to learn and adapt. If one lesson could be extracted in 2020 is the need for people and organisations to be willing and able to learn and adapt, requiring the disposition and the ability to learn to learn. “It’s more important today to be able to become an expert in a brand-new field in nine to twelve months than to have studied the ‘right’ thing a long time ago,” says AngelList founder Naval Ravikant. Staying nimble, willing and able to adapt and to learn will be an asset in Society 3.0 marked by accelerating change and steeper learning curves.


  1. Communication and collaboration.This is a key component of people skills necessary for working with others, also closely associated with emotional and social intelligence. It has become increasingly evident how important it is for people, teams, organisations and nations to be able to negotiate, to cooperate and to aim for win-win scenarios—with a growing expectation for remote collaboration. It is hard to envision how Society 3.0 could be effectively built without proper communication and collaboration.


  1. Managerial and leadership skills. Closely connected to the previous skillset, are management and leadership skills which are both art and science. This also includes a strong work ethic, initiative, persistence and grit. It should be noted that managerial skills which do not follow a predictable pattern cannot be easily automated thus increasing their future value. Leadership will be a key ingredient for steering communities towards a desirable version of Society 3.0, and it might be more art than science and less likely to be automated.


  1. Scientific and technological literacy.The global pandemic has highlighted our intimate connection to science, strengthening in many the appreciation for the scientific method. Society 3.0 ought to further embrace it as a clear path to solving our collective challenges. Also, the ability to learn and apply technologies including cutting-edge ones will expand the toolset with which challenges can be addressed.


  1. Social and cultural awareness. Appreciation for diversity and history as well as sensitivity to personal, social, cultural and racial differences will signal a more inclusive Society 3.0 that works for all, while reaping the benefits of diverse intellectual capital.


  1. Ethics and universal values. Behaviour that is consistent with humanity’s moral compass and which demonstrates appreciation and respect for universal values including peace, freedom, social progress, equal rights and human dignity will be central to building a kind and compassionate Society 3.0.


  1. Financial literacy and business acumen.Individuals with a sense of how the private sectors works and adds value to society will be better positioned to generate sustainable solutions to all sorts of industrial and societal needs. Society 3.0 will also  benefit from people with ability to save, budget and invest, contributing to the collective financial health.


  1. Resilience. Defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness,” it includes the ability to manage stress, take care of oneself and develop mechanisms to cope with pressure in all walks of life. It is also associated with enthusiasm, self-confidence and mindfulness.


  1. Innovation. If we understand innovation as adding value to stakeholders with a novel product, service or process it can be seen as a by-product of many of the previous eleven skills.  Innovation is directly connected to problem-solving, problem prevention, continuous improvement and creating breakthroughs addressing all areas of human endeavour.


I close with a focus on innovation as I see it as a central to nurturing responsible citizens and leaders. While the collective set of skills may seem aspirational, the intent is that these be treated as practical, useful, real-world skills for school, work, personal and family life, to help build the kind of Society 3.0 we want to live in.

I am certain however that I am still missing some skills or that I have made some obvious oversights, so I am eager to discuss as part of Congregation 2020.