Ideas | Where do they come from ? #24 #cong18


How we define the human race creates the ceiling of our capabilities and possibilities and defines our future. Our archaic mindset governs the world we live in. We chip away, one idea at a time to create a better future, however with a mindset that dictates that a utopia is beyond the reach of us mere humans.
In many ways we are succeeding to fail, we are creating the modern world, with all its’ imperfections. How can we have a perfect world from an imperfect being? We need to raise our standards and establish true common values where all life has a value. Whereby our innovation creates a future that benefits all life!

4 Key Takeaways:

  1. We have the power to make the changes we want if we would only change our mindset!
  2. What we believe is possible is the barrier to our possibilities. Our beliefs should not confine us as our beliefs are a consequence of us not knowing the truth.
  3. We have to redifine our intellect and how we define ourselves as a human race.
  4. Our perception of reality makes our reality, our past present and future.

About Lee Tunney Ware:

Lee Tunney-Ware is a unique speaker for transformational change. Lee is a multi award-winning business owner and social entrepreneur with an ambitious vision to change the way society thinks about itself and each other. He has spent decades helping people strip back beliefs, judgments and opinions of themselves and the world around them, freeing them of the shackles that are a heavy weight on their minds and hearts and revealing the simple yet powerful truths that help them find their purpose and change their lives.

Lee is an experienced entrepreneur, psychotherapist, stress management counsellor, hypnoesitherapist and hypnotherapist with a demonstrated track record for successful business management and growth, problem solving, sales and marketing. Specialist expertise in corporate team building programs and personal development designed to help people achieve their full potential. Internationally published author and respected community leader committed to growing regional tourism and strong, healthy communities. Effective transformational coach and speaker with a proven ability to change the default mindset.


Contacting Lee Tunney Ware:

You can follow Lee by  email, connect with him on LinkedIn or Westport Adventure Park.

By Lee Tunney Ware.

Do they just “pop” in to our consciousness as moments of inspiration? Or are they by design?
Are they freely thought by an individual?
Some would say they are like seeds that grow and develop over time. Some compare them to the acorn that grows in to the mighty oak.
Are they a form of inspiration, of innovation or necessity?

If we look back through history at the landscape of human development over the last 150 years, the steam engine, the automobile, the space craft, radio and TV, Computers etc. you could perceive that the human race took a giant quantum leap in a very short period of time!

Why so many thousands of years and then all of a sudden within a very short period of time did our human capabilities develop so quickly? What changed? Was it our thinking? If so, What is thought? Logically without thought it would be perceived that we could not have ideas…Just imagine that thought was only there to communicate, not to innovate.

If we evolved then thought is a by-product of biology, behind the thought is a biological consciousness, not of ideas but of chemical changes that give life to our innovation and passion. Einstein implied that imagination was the mother of all invention. There are many ways to describe an idea, there are many examples in our history to define our development, but the question still remains –  What is an idea in its purest form?…. Can you summon it on command? If not, why not?

If it’s your idea, then logically, you are in control of it….What stops you from commanding the idea? If you have the necessity, the motivation and the passion, why can you not just create it, instantly, on command? Do the planets have to align? Does there have to be a comet in our solar system?

What has to happen for us to have ideas on command?  Just to clarify, I don’t mean ideas like brainstorming, where we can just shout them out-any idea’s a good idea! I mean ideas that change the world for the better….Not just in the present timeline, not ideas that are driven by financial gain, but ideas that are pure and enhance humankind. For example, a categorical cure for cancer or better still a cure for an “incurable illness”, what does “incurable” mean? Does it mean our intellect is governed to the point that we don’t even summon the energy to create the thought? Is it the Goliath that stands in our way of innovation? How we define things, “the big C” is also how we restrict our mind-set, our creativity. How big we perceive the problem to be also defines the timeline, the creation. The development of the acorn to the oak and how big the oak will be. How we define the problem automatically defines our mind-set, our mind-set governs our self-value individually and as a human race and it defines our inferiority compared to the challenge/problem.

Just imagine a survey was done of 100 people in every city of the western world and they were asked to answer one question….”In how many years would they expect a categorical cure for all types of cancer?” Some might say “never”, you might say “never is not an answer, we just need a timeline”, they might say 200 years, some would say 15 years, some 30, some 50 and so on. We would take their answers and average them out, let’s say the average timeline was 75 years, this would be the average time expectancy of when society would expect a categorical cure for cancer. The individuals going in to work to create the cure for cancer are part of society, so are governed by “normal” parameters of though, what some might call “the box”! They cannot find that scientific breakthrough as they are governed intellectually by a consistent average, from this example, it is possible to realise that ideas are governed by the collective consciousness and are time encapsulated within our mind-set.

They are drip fed over time to be congruent with the average expectation, even though we are not privileged to the “average timeline” information, we are still affected by what others think. With media, news, education etc. , our consciousness/mind-set is calibrated, some would call it thinking “inside the box”. Not only does the box govern what we think, it will also govern the timeline in which it will be thought. Our individual value and our value of what it is to be human, restricts our capabilities in line with the calibration. For one thing to be perceived true, everything above, below and parallel is also true. So, do we truly think as individuals or are we governed by the consistent average of what individuals think?

Our biology is governed by the consistent patterns within the mind-set. The chemicals that created thought are now controlled by those patterns. To think outside the box is to be free from the calibration and values that govern. To be a free thinker is to be separate from the collective. To have an idea that is not governed by the restrictions within the default mind-set, an idea that is not governed within a growth mind-set is very unique and to reach the plateaux we have to let go of how we define our intellect and how we define ourselves as a human race. None of us are perfect, so it is said, and our imperfections should not define our creativity. Our past and present understandings should not create our future of tomorrow. We are a capable race that is shackled by inferior data, a default algorithm or consciousness, a human update is long overdue and we should move and raise our ceiling of expectation to allow the next Quantum leap of humankind!