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Key Takeaways:
- Legacy is deeply unique
- Many of us have no idea what we want it to be, yet
- Memento Mori might help clarify it
- And they say we die twice, this might help clarify if either!
About Paddy Delaney:
Paddy Delaney is a repeat Cong-ist, who returns for the sheer curiosity and sense of fun of meeting a great melting-pot of humans each (most!) years! I live on the ‘Meath Gold Coast’, am blessed with a wife and 3 kids, and love what I do; running a boutique financial planning business for really sound retirees.
Contacting Paddy Delaney:
You can see Paddy’s work on Informed Decision.

By Paddy Delaney
Ever think about how many humans have walked this Earth before us? Have a guess!
Turns out, it’s about 117 billion.
That’s a lot of lives, and legacies left!
And here we are, part of this epic human story, wondering the same thing those 117 billion people likely did: What’s my legacy going to be? And perhaps also wondered, what is legacy!?
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, especially because of the work I do. I’m a Financial Planner who works almost exclusively with those who have successfully existed ‘work’ and are living their ‘next chapter’ with freedom and joy! I get to see firsthand how the idea of legacy shapes the choices people make in their retirement. For many, there’s a focus on leaving a meaningful financial legacy, provided it doesn’t come at the cost of their own financial freedom. Or so I generally insist! After all, enjoying your retirement and staying independent is important.
And nor does anyone want to accidentally spoil their loved ones by handing them so much that they never learn to stand on their own two feet. There’s a a balance to be struck when it comes to financial legacy to loved-ones. Leaving a legacy to an entity or charity can also be fraught with challenge, knowing who to leave it to, and who will ensure it is has the desired impact on the causes you care about.
What Legacy Feels Right for You?
Legacy can mean so many things to different people though. Its not just money.
But what the hell is Legacy, to you and to yours!?
2 possible tools to help us explore? Momento Mori and Dying Twice!
- Memento Mori is a Latin phrase that translates to “Remember you must die.” It’s a concept rooted in ancient philosophy, particularly in Stoicism, and was later embraced in Christian art and culture. Rather than being grim or morbid, memento mori serves as a reminder of life’s impermanence and the inevitability of death. The idea isn’t to dwell on mortality in a negative way but to use it as motivation to live a meaningful and intentional life. It’s a prompt to focus on what truly matters, avoid distractions, and act with urgency on the things that align with your values. For example, the Stoics would often reflect on this concept to remind themselves that time is precious and that we should act wisely and virtuously because tomorrow is never guaranteed. In essence, memento mori asks us: If you could leave this world right now, would you be content with the life you’ve lived and the legacy you’ll leave behind? If not, it’s a gentle nudge to start making changes today.
- “They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing, and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name on Earth for the last time”. When will your name be mentioned for the very last time, and by whom, and what will they say!? It’s a fascinating question to ponder!
My Conclusion
Great news is that we can choose to make ‘legacy’ as big or as little a deal as we feel appropriate. We may feel that lots will pay any heed to what we leave, or none at all! What strikes me most is how often legacies are found in the small, everyday things. Sure, your loved ones might remember the inheritance or the house you left behind. But people that interacted with you in any way may remember how you made them feel, the values you passed on, and the brief little memories you created together. That’s legacy, to me, right now!
Paddy Delaney