Purpose without Passion is Pointless #39 #cong22


Discovering Purpose-

What influences purpose can have a serious impact on passion:

Our personal values

Our personal beliefs

Our family of origin influences

Our cultural influences

Our conflict styles

Our personal stress levels

Our personal perceptions

Our individual opinions

Differing wants, needs, expectations

Total Words


Reading Time in Minutes


Key Takeaways:

  1. Preserve purpose and passion-  We can experience the same thing in different ways on different days

  2. Promoting purpose and passion- We are all unique and have our own point of view. Remember purpose and passion- We have a choice in our behaviour/responsibility for consequences

  3. Prevail purpose and passion – There will always be things that make us uncomfortable or fearful, – part of being human

  4. Personalise purpose and passion- Self awareness is key and taking action to improve things

About Lorraine Lally:

Lorraine Lally is from Galway.  Lorraine is a practising barrister with 12 years experience working with clients across all areas of law.  With  a particular interest in family law, immigration law, human rights law and other areas of civil litigation.

She is a qualified mediator and an active member of the National Register for Mediators which is charity seeking to promote mediation and conflict resolution in society including  a funded schools programme for transition year students entitled “I Hear You”.

Lorraine has a passion for youth work and advocacy in the community.  Lorraine is a member of Access for All a group promoting access to services in Galway City and the  current vice chair of the Galway Disability Forum as part of the Galway County Public Participation Network.  She has contributed to advocacy campaigns for the National Women’s Council of Ireland, Disability Federation of Ireland, the Neurological Alliance of Ireland, International Bureau of Epilepsy and Epilepsy Ireland.  She is also a volunteer legal advisor with the Community Law and Mediation Centre in Coolock and Limerick in person and online since the pandemic.  As a member of the International Bureau of Epilepsy Lorraine is the co-chair of the International Youth Team with members from all over the world.

Contacting Lorraine Lally:

You can connect with Lorraine on Twitter and LinkedIn.

By Lorraine Lally

Purpose without passion is pointless. I am often thrilled to meet people with purpose. But those who have purpose with passion rise and shine above us all. Someone with passion is precious a diamond in the rough with the potential to change the world.  I often think of the first man who excited me with his passion and I wondered how I could get some of what he had?  I asked him and he told me it involved a devotion to truth and reconciling the world is not perfect but we carry on in passion.  He knew that with passion you can inform a purpose and bring others with you in the purpose.

My purpose and passion a person who enables change and to be an advocate and facilitator for others.   As a mediator my role is to enable and engage with parties who are in conflict.  When you think of passion you might wonder how can a mediator retain the passion through seeing the process through to the end and when you reach reconciliation it is magnificent.

When I often work with couples with children on a parenting plan. I am a witness of  the love and care that they have for their children. The purpose is not always the same but that passion for a future and a new dawn is always present even if it covered with anger and fear.

Mediation is the purposeful process in the world because it involves entering conflict to use the tools on the mediation belt.  As humans we seek to belong and to have a connection.  The importance of being understood is fundamental to build trust with others.

‘I can talk to you because you’re prepared to understand me’.  This permits me to see and recognise the purpose of others. If we are all moving with purpose none of us are moving alone.

Knowledge is the ultimate power to fuel purpose and passion. We all need to take the time to  develop knowledge of each other to respect and value those who support our purpose.

I recently volunteered with newly arrived migrants from Ukraine and dealt with a  mother in tears seeking a pray mat and the Quran it turned out that no one had asked the religion of the new arrivals. She wanted to pray for her son and husband at home. She was filled with a purpose when I got the permission to let her borrow the mat and the Quran.

My grandmother told me a stranger was only a stranger until you make the effort to make them a friend. I have a diverse and fun group of friends.  It is important that we do not to assume a person identifies or belongs to a particular group/culture. We have a duty based on our shared humanity to show appreciation and respect for diversity.

There are great benefits of diversity for society and for building a more purpose filled vision of our future. This diversity includes people and innovation to resolve the passion needed for climate action to happen.

If we focus on our commonalities we live a purposeful life as a community.  Makes me think of the sisters out there from Ethiopia, France, Australia, Sweden, Iran, Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia, Spain,Scotland, Iraq, Pakistan, and other countries around the world looking to improve healthcare for women.

Self awareness to stereotypes, prejudice & subconscious biases is important we often look at others seeing difference instead of the similarities that bring us together.

Of course I am practical in my thinking we can similar and be different.

We can agree to love each other and still disagree on the plan for the future.

Agreeing that you see things differently is acceptable in a respectful manner as our beliefs are our own to be protected.

We will listen to all persons including children to provide the respect for human purpose.

After all  each point of view is legitimate and acknowledged

You can talk to me and I can share with you then the purpose can be made real with others.

Talking and sharing concerns is vital to making sure that passion and purpose remain in your personal and professional life.

For those of you who have not had the benefit of the purposeful friendship where your friend is there for you to support your passion and bring to life new purposes.