reality feedback loop (montage) #23 #cong23 #reality


reality is a construct . a glorious fiction . in continual construction . through the corroboration of other thinking and knowing subjects . with language an important tool . to structure nature and control destiny

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Key Takeaways:

  1. To what extent do our mental models become more real than the world they model?
  2. Are our thoughts have a stronger structuring effect on our experiences than external forces?
  3. Is it therefore possible to alter reality by changing our minds?

About Jeffrey Gormly:

i use my creativity to make space for yours.

Contacting Jeffrey Gormly:

You can connect with Jeffrey by email..

By Jeffrey Gormly

/ Reality is a construct of thought that desires continuity.

/ Since there is no phenomenon or thought process which is permanent, there is nothing which can be identified as a permanent self: realization of this therefore promotes right understanding.

/ Actually the expectation of continuity is a glorious fiction. Reality depends on our choices of what and how we choose to observe.


/ ‘The mind organises the world by organising itself’ The cognitive organism shapes and coordinates its experience and, in doing so, transforms it into a structured world.

/ Form is previously sound before it actually ‘freezes’ into what we call static form.

/ …content is form …you can see only as much as your model permits you to see …the methodological starting point does more than simply reveal, it actually creates, the object of study.


/ Reality depends on our choices of what and how we choose to observe.

Our understanding of such a universe comes not from discovering its present appearance, but in remembering what we originally did to bring it about.

/ What we ordinarily call reality is the domain of the relatively durable perceptual and conceptual structures which we manage to establish, use and maintain in the flow of our actual experience.

This experiential reality, no matter what epistemology we want to adopt, does not come to us in one piece. We build it up bit by bit in a succession of steps that, in retrospect, seem to form a succession of levels.

Repetition is an indispensable factor in that development.

/ “What then remains is a construction as such, and one sees no ground why it should be unreasonable to think that it is the ultimate nature of reality to be in continual construction instead of consisting of an accumulation of ready-made structures.”


/ One of our basic assumptions is that the living organism in the struggle to generate and maintain its equilibrium tries to establish regularities in the flow of experience.


…’intersubjective’ … [is the] highest, most reliable level of experiential reality. As the term implies, this uppermost level arises through the corroboration of other thinking and knowing subjects. …

It is obvious that this second-order viability, of which we can say with some justification that it reaches beyond the field of our individual experience into that of others, must play an important part in the stabilization and solidification of our experiential reality. It helps to create that intersubjective level on which one is led to believe that concepts, schemes of action, goals and ultimately feelings and emotions are shared by others and, therefore, more real than anything experienced by oneself. It is the level on which one feels justified in speaking of ‘confirmed facts’, of ‘society’, ‘social interaction’, and ‘common knowledge’.


/In the face of our terror before the uncontrollable chaos of the universe, we label as much as we can with language in the hope that once we have named something we need no longer fear it.

/ …language is of course an important tool. It serves in many ways and one of the most powerful is that it can provide instructions for experiences that one has not yet had. …This is the way that you have built up, through linguistic communication, a vast number of models that you could then use in your actual experiential reality.

…the process of tuning and accommodating the meaning of words and linguistic expressions continues for each of us throughout our lives.

The ‘object’ on which the aesthetic reader concentrates is not ‘verbal,’ but experiential; the ‘object’ is the cognitive and affective structure which the reader calls forth and lives through. /

/ “The significance of words isn’t their superficial ability to relay information but rather to structure the self-programming quality that’s inherent in language itself”


/ Knowledge functions as a tool. How good a tool is, or how much better it could be, comes out when a group of people work together at the same task. When no one can suggest a further improvement, the tool will be called ‘truth’.

/ ‘Truth is what works.’


/ One’s thoughts mould one’s nature and control one’s destiny. Sometimes a single thought can destroy or save the world.

Bogart / Abidhamma / Gimbel / Bogart / Piaget – Von Glasersfeld / Frederic Jameson / Bogart / Spencer Brown / Von Glasersfeld / Piaget / Von Glasersfeld / Bogart / Von Glasersfeld / Rosenblatt / Ghost in the Shell / Bogdanov

Anne Bogart, A Director Prepares

Abidhamma Papers

Theodore Gimbel, Form, Sound, Colour and Healing

Piaget, J. La Construction Du Réel Chez L’enfant (The Construction Of Reality In The Child), in EVG

Ernst Von Glasersfeld, Radical Constructivism (EVG)

Spencer Brown, G. Laws Of Form, in EVG

Piaget, J. La Structuralisme (Structuralism), in EVG

Rosenblatt, L.M. ‘Viewpoints: Transaction Versus Interaction – A Terminological Rescue Operation’, in EVG

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Episode 2, Manga DVD

Bogdanov, A. ‘Nauka I Filosofia’ (Science And Philosphy), in EVG