The End of Purpose: How AI Is Making Us Rethink What It Means to Be Human #47 #cong22


In recent years, AI has been increasingly presented as a threatening technology, with doomsayers talking about how it will destroy jobs, and make us obsolete. One of the key ways in which AI is said to be making us obsolete is by taking away our purpose. Once machines can do everything we can do, and do it better, faster and cheaper, what will be left for us to do? What will be our purpose?

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Key Takeaways:

  1. The idea that we need to have a purpose is relatively recent
  2. The view that our worth as human beings is somehow tied up in what we do is a product of the Enlightenment
  3. AI is making us rethink what it means to be human
  4. AI is not making us obsolete, it is making us rethink our purpose

About Stephen Howell:

Stephen Howell is a geek dad of 4 neurodiverse kids. He is an advocate for ADHD and ASD awareness. Career wise, he is public speaker on cloud technologies. He has worked for companies like IBM, DCU, TU Dublin, and Microsoft. He is currently working on his PhD thesis on Inclusive Design & Creative Technology Innovation.

Contacting Stephen Howell:

You can contact Stephen by email.


By Stephen Howell

I sat the Leaving Certificate in 1994, and while I had a career guidance councillor in the school, I don’t recall ever discussing, or thinking about the future in terms of purpose. Instead, we focused not on what course at university we might enjoy but what course would lead to a profession with jobs. As a child of the 80’s, future employment prospects were paramount. Woe betide the student who studied something just because they were good at it, or thought they might like it.

I have never been a planner, or someone who envisioned a particular future. I was good at coding, albeit self-taught, and I set up a computer club, so it was not unreasonable that I would study computer science. I did not think coding or a career in tech was my purpose. I took a parttime job teaching coding to first year students in Ballymun Comprehensive. I did not think teaching was my purpose. I just went along with whatever opportunity presented itself.

Coding and teaching ended up being all I’ve really done professionally since 1994. I graduated in 1998, went into a series of coding jobs. Then I started lecturing on coding, part time at first and eventually fulltime, and at no point did I think ‘this is my purpose, I am meant to code, or teach, and ideally teach coding’.

I just did what I enjoyed, and what I was good at. If there was a steady stream of interesting work, I would do it. I never worried that I would never find my purpose, or that my lack of purpose would somehow make me less human.

In recent years, AI has been increasingly presented as a threatening technology, with doomsayers talking about how it will destroy jobs, and make us obsolete. One of the key ways in which AI is said to be making us obsolete is by taking away our purpose. Once machines can do everything we can do, and do it better, faster and cheaper, what will be left for us to do? What will be our purpose?

The funny thing is, I’ve never worried about AI taking away my purpose. I don’t think of coding, or teaching, as my purpose. They are just things I enjoy doing, and am good at. If AI can do those things better than me, then so be it. I’ll find something else to do.

The idea that we need to have a purpose, that our worth as human beings is somehow tied up in what we do, is a relatively recent phenomenon. It is only in the last few hundred years that we have started to think of ourselves as beings with a specific purpose.

The ancient Greeks did not think of themselves as having a purpose. They thought of themselves as part of a larger whole, of being a small piece in the puzzle of the cosmos. The medieval Christians did not think of themselves as having a purpose. They thought of themselves as part of God’s plan, which might be unknowable to them. It was only with the rise of the Enlightenment, and the individualism that came with it, that the idea of the individual with a specific purpose began to take hold.

The Enlightenment view of the world was that it was knowable, and that humans could understand it if they used their reason. This view led to the belief that humans could, and should, control their own destiny. If the world was knowable, and if humans could understand it, then surely they could find a way to make it better.

This view of the world led to the belief that humans should have a specific purpose. We should not just drift through life, going with the flow, but should have a plan, a goal, a reason for being.

This view of the world has led to a lot of good. It has led to the development of science, and the belief that we can understand and control the world we live in. It has led to the belief that we can make the world a better place.

But it has also led to a lot of bad. It has led to the belief that those who do not have a specific purpose are somehow inferior, that they are not fully human. It has led to the belief that our worth as human beings is somehow tied up in what we do.

AI is making us rethink what it means to be human. It is making us rethink our purpose. AI is not making us obsolete. It is making us rethink what it means to be human.

Finding and Losing Purposes and How That’s Ok #48 #cong22


Some thoughts on where purpose comes from, how it might not be fixed through your life, and about limitations and the liberation of accepting them

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Better to have more than one purpose
  2. Your body is not just a means to the end of your purpose
  3. Purposes come and go
  4. It can be liberating not to achieve a purpose

About Iain Morrow:

I run a small software company in the West of Ireland – Europe’s most westerly fintech company, as far as I know :).

I moved to Ireland in 2015 and built a house on Clifden Bay with my wife and (now) 3 kids.

Contacting Iain Morrow:

You can contact Iain by email


By Iain Morrow

When I started to write this. I thought I would end up by writing down what my life’s purpose was. But that turned out to be too difficult, for reasons that surprised me.

First of all – why is there only one life purpose? Or even, why is there only one at a time? Having a single purpose for a whole life seems very narrow. Maybe if you define that purpose as something very general like “helping people” or “living a good life”, it might work. But that doesn’t help you day to day. Nobody wakes up and thinks “Right, I need to go and live a good life today”. So there have to be more specific purposes that might change day to day, depending on which role you have to play most that day, and how you are feeling.
Which led on to the second thought, which was that when people talk about purpose, it’s often like they’re talking about the destination of a journey. Like they are driving their vehicle – their body – towards this destination. But the vehicle is passive in this analogy. It’s just a means to an end, and doesn’t influence that end.
Is life really like that? We all live in bodies, and it’s strange to think that they don’t shape our purposes in some ways. At one level, they might limit the purposes we can aspire to. People talk about overcoming the limits of the body – or “the flesh” if they want to be dismissive. And young, idealistic, people, who live in a body that feels like it is limitless and immortal, might get away with thinking like that. But for those of us who are a bit older, and feeling our mortality and the finiteness of time, that doesn’t work. My 20-year old self would see this as the typical sell-out attitude of old people, but it’s reality. In fact, as one of this year’s popular books pointed out, we really don’t have much time at all (4,000 weeks –

But that’s not the most interesting shaping that goes on. A purpose is something that you would feel good about achieving, that makes you feel happy to think about doing. Unless you believe that feelings are purely from your spirit (if you even believe in a spirit or soul) then feelings must come – to some extent – from the body.
And if the body changes, then, as we move through life, don’t the feelings change? And wouldn’t that change your purposes? Put another way, if you were in a different body, would you have different purposes?

So, purpose is a changing thing, and your purpose today might not be your purpose tomorrow, or next year. You have to abandon old ones, sometimes. That might be because they are impossible, or no longer desirable – at least for you. And this implies not tying your sense of self entirely to one purpose. That’s setting yourself up for disaster. Even if you do everything right, you might not achieve your objective. Sometimes you’re just unlucky. Poker players have always known this, and as this book ( argues, it’s important to “..disconnect the outcomes of a decision from the quality of that decision…”. In other words, you can make the best choices, and still not get what you deserve.

This could all come across as negative, abandoning a life’s purpose, and acknowledging our limited ability to do anything. But actually, it feels freeing. Not being constrained by picking a purpose and having to stick to it forever. Not being destroyed when it stays out of reach. It’s still good to have a reason to get out of bed, but it is only a temporary guide.

I have no idea where I am going… #46 #cong22


Our purpose includes the joy of finding a nugget that could solve a problem or the frustration that it then didn’t work. Or, it could be, simpler joys akin to finding a fiver in your pocket. So, I say that I still don’t know where I am going; how many of us really do?, but read the post to see a bit more.
But I believe that our purpose in life is

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Always rely on what you already know when making your way through life

  2. Always learn new things to replace or upgrade what you already know when making your way through life

  3. Never believe that your destination is your purpose

  4. Never lose sight of the joy in the journey

About Alan Tyrrell:

Alan Tyrrell – at work I’m a collaborator, a problem solver in corporate reputation, corporate purpose, vision, mission, values, and behaviours, and various other things. Outside of that, I’m still looking…read my post!

Contacting Alan Tyrrell:

You can contact Alan by email.


By Alan Tyrrell

When I saw the theme for this year’s #Cong22, I was immediately enthused. ‘Made for me’, I thought.

I set about writing a piece on corporate purpose based on what I already knew from my work in helping clients with their corporate purpose, vision, mission, values, and behaviours. With lots of experience, I reckoned an informed piece on this topic would fit the bill.

But, as I researched, explored booklist, and read posts from fellow Congregationists, I realised that corporate purpose just wouldn’t cut it.

I started afresh on a new approach.

I really like music – though can’t hold a note, and looked into songs with Purpose in the name on Spotify. I reckoned a clever playlist would carry multiple messages and be a little different. I learned that there’s actually an artist called ‘Purpose’. He has 900 followers but every song fails the explicit content filter. So, no go.

Then I read some more, thought some more, gnashed my teeth.

I stumbled on some poetry. Number 72 from Palgrave’s Golden Treasury (expanded edt.). It’s very good. On topic, and I reckoned it could play a role. Alas, plagiarism ain’t my style, not to mention that I owed @eoin kennedy much more than a copycat piece. So, I was lost again.

This time, a full reboot. Grabbed the dictionary and looked up ‘purpose’. And also ‘purposeless’. Well worth doing. Just don’t read the N section of the dictionary – its full of next to nothing.

It did though point me in a direction. Back to home turf of corporate purpose. I took out Friedman’s keynote advising that the sole responsibility (or purpose) of business is to make profits. An interesting take but obviously only one facet of the reason for being for corporations. Then I went to Joan Margetta and ‘Understanding Michael Porter’. Understanding a behemoth like him had to be good for a piece on purpose. It turns out, it’s one of the best books on strategy I’ve read in a long time. It highlights the real tests of competitive advantage and why lofty statements about being ‘The best…’ at this or that, really do not make for a strategy.

Still unhappy and with my destination in mind, I went back to the well. And then my pursuit hit a spot of luck or divine guidance (you choose which). I fell into Rollo May’s ‘Man’s search for himself’. It opens by describing this modern age of anxiety and the listlessness and boredom felt by so many. [Note: check the publication date, this is not a ‘great resignation’ or ‘quiet quitting’ moment in time.]. And there, on page 67, he nails it when he says that “Joy, rather than happiness, is the goal of life, for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our nature as human beings….”

When I reflected on that line, and my journey to write a short piece for #Cong22, I discovered a journey where I had known what I knew but also learned new things – songs, poets, strategists, prayers, and more. I realised too that joy had been my companion on the journey – the joy of finding a nugget that could work, but the frustration that it then didn’t work. Or simpler joys akin to finding a fiver in your pocket. So, yes, in one way, I still don’t know where I am going; how many of us really do?

But I believe that our purpose in life is to keep going; keep learning, keep looking; keep sharing; keep being.

That’s my take on ‘Purpose’ for #Cong22. Hope you enjoyed it. And looking forward to an epic event.

I’ve found my special Purpose! #45 #cong22


The search for purpose is difficult, convoluted and complicated – but oh, so worth it.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Ask questions of others and yourself

  2. Seek answers of others and yourself

  3. Live, laugh and love

  4. I have purpose

About Chris Reina:

Chris Reina has been involved in education since 2002, technology since 1981 and Making since 1971. (You do the maths). He is part of – who deliver Maker-led, project-based S.T.E.A.M. workshops nationwide to primary, secondary, third-level and other institutions.

He feels passionately that education is the most important thing in the world and that teaching using Maker skills is the most rewarding job there is.

Chris loves cats, kayaking, kite-flying, steampunk, pedantic semantics and knowing the meanings of ligatures, aglets, gallibanders and lexiphanic.

Contacting Chris Reina:

You can connect with Chris on Twitter or send him an email.


By Chris Reina

(Yes – the title is a nod to Steve Martin.)

As always when writing for Cong (or other conferences/subjects) I always return to trying to answer the 6 questions my mother gave me when I was young (and pleasingly – students are still being taught):

Who? What? How? Why? When? Where?

Purpose can be divided into many categories – self, life, others, need, passions, conscience, etc… but I think most struggle with the first as it’s the most difficult – their own purpose. It is a difficult question – one philosophers have been seeking the answer to for millennia (for themselves and others!)

I suspect most of us travel through life either:
1) Trying to find our Purpose
2) Convincing ourselves we have found our Purpose
3) Not bothering to look for our Purpose

Point 1 – This is such a huge and bewildering thing – and sometimes even the task of just looking can be incredibly daunting. I mean – how do we know what to look for? Will it happen gradually, or suddenly hit like a bolt of lightning? What if we never find it? What happens if we think we find it and it’s wrong? Welcome to my life yet again Existential Dread – it’s good to have you back. Could we maybe talk less this time…?

Point 2 – I think some of us convince ourselves we have found it… in order to not have to look further. Perhaps this comes from a desire to please others or just a weariness that comes from life pushing us down and we need a, well… purpose. Once we think we’ve found it – we can stop looking and ignore it. This may stray into becoming a dangerous path of lying to ourselves.

Point 3 – Not looking for our purpose I feel is incredibly sad. Mostly because I firmly believe we all have something to offer the world we inhabit and move through… unfortunately – if we are taught to not question and just exist – to be seen and not heard – we often don’t believe we have value and lose the will to seek answers to our questions or even the desire to ask the questions in the first instance.

So – where does that leave us? For you… I don’t know. For me, I do. I’ve done many jobs in my lifetime, some better than others (of course). Some enjoyable, others not. Some I thought were right for me (and who knows – at the time, perhaps they were).

I’ve done bad things in my life – some really horrible I regret (they haven’t found the bodies) – other times, I did good. Mostly, I tried, sometimes I succeeded, sometimes I didn’t.

Therefore – is our purpose defined by who we are, or what we do, or even why/how/when/where we do things? Is it defined by the money we make, the character we present, our wishes, dreams, hopes and desires…? Probably. Or not. Again, I don’t have that answer for you… just for me.

I’ve lived on this planet for 53 years. Done the work and the play. Loved, laughed and lost. Helped and hurt. Drank the wine, ate the food (sometimes too much). I didn’t really manipulate my life to get where I am. I’ve pushed, committed and worked hard – but mostly I’ve been lucky. But, I AM here now – and happy.

I love my loved ones (you know who you are), I am fulfilled and passionate (maybe too much) about my work. (See bio) I tend to get sad more than angry and happy more than joyous – but I think I’m moving toward balance.

For me – I have my purpose – may you find yours – and if my words can help in any way, they are yours for the asking. I’m still seeking answers and asking those 6 questions of myself and all around me – thanks mum.

Purpose and the Lady #44 #cong22


What is your vocation? We often think of vocations as being something that only religious people or those in certain professions have. However, everyone can have a vocation, or a sense of purpose in their life. This might be something as simple as being a good friend, or being there for people when they need you. It could be about being honest and fair, or being a good role model. Whatever it is, try to have a sense of purpose in your life and do it with intention and compassion.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Try to have a sense of purpose in your life, no matter what form that may take.

  2. You don’t need to have a “noble” profession to make a difference.

  3. You can make a difference in your family, your community, and your workplace.

  4. Do it with intention and compassion.

About Maria Campbell:

Maria Campbell is a Mentor and Coach with a background in economic development. She is passionate about helping others to make a difference in their communities and make a positive impact in the world.

Contacting Maria Campbell:

You can contact Maria by email


By Maria Campbell

When I was a girl, in a small but respectable school in the midlands, the avenues for life and careers were reasonably limited. If you weren’t marrying a farmer (preferably with good road frontage) or seducing one of those rare civil servants (it was never clear what civil servants did, but the money was apparently good) then it was nursing or teaching.

Becoming a nurse assumed you were willing to clean up gross bodily fluids, which I most certainly was not. Primary school teaching was for those students who were good at Irish, and tá brón orm, but that was out too.

So, the fallback was ‘domestic science’. How to bake a sponge, sew on a button and entertain your future husband’s boss (and his wife) for dinner. The implicit in all of this was that your future husband would, in fact, have a job. One that required entertaining. And also, that you would never, ever ‘work’. Work was for men, and the unfortunate women who had no choice. But not for girls like me.

Career guidance, or even the idea of carving out a different path, seems to have been very much a boy topic. The local lads (who had matured enough not to be banking on a career playing soccer for Man. United) would muse about studying accountancy or law in university. Universities were all hours away, and expensive. I recall one friend in the convent secondary school who was brilliant at maths. She expressed an interest in studying engineering in Galway, and the teacher suggested she consider courses more suited to women, like teaching maths perhaps. The teacher was a nun, and mostly harmless, but may have had difficulty imagining a female engineer.

The notion that there might be a job for me in Dublin, or even Cork, was laughable. My options were to marry well or teach in a school in the locality. Teaching was all very well and good, but the money was awful. So, to be honest, I had no real career plan. I’m not even sure what I did with my Leaving Cert. I know I passed, but I can’t recall what grades I got.

Vocation, or the pursuit of a career and life with a particular noble purpose, is something that seems to have been claimed by the religious clergy, (and to a lesser extent, the medical and teaching professions). I want to argue that any life be lived with purpose, and that no matter how humble your career, it can have significant positive impact on others.

Traditionally, the religious orders and the priests were expected to live a life of chastity and poverty. The former was to stop them from fathering illegitimate children and getting women into trouble. The latter was to ensure they would not be corrupted by material wealth. Interestingly, the churches have been very good at owning vast amounts of property and wealth, but that is a topic for another day. Sadly, I have failed at chastity, and would very much like to fail at impoverishment, so the religious life is out for me.

To be a good teacher, you need to care about your students, value and respect them as young people, and want to ensure they get the best possible education. A good teacher will do this whether they are religious or not. In my experience, the best teachers are the ones who are passionate and enthusiastic about their subject, and who genuinely believe that education can and will make a difference in their students’ lives. These teachers have a vocation.

What about those of us who are not religious, and not teachers (or doctors), can we live a life of purpose? Many people choose careers that they believe will make a difference in the world. Social workers, aid workers, environmentalists, and human rights lawyers are all people who have chosen to dedicate their lives to helping others and making the world a better place. These people have a vocation.

But you don’t need to have a “noble” profession to make a difference. You can make a difference in your family, your community, and your workplace. You can make a difference by being a good friend, and by being there for people when they need you. You can make a difference by being honest and fair in your dealings with others, and by being kind. You can make a difference by being a good citizen, and by voting, and by paying your taxes. You can make a difference by being a good neighbour, and by looking out for people who are vulnerable. You can make a difference by being a good role model.

For me, most people who me, a middle-aged woman with an Irish country accent, would never guess the career I’ve had and the purpose that has driven me. When I tell them of my career in the Irish public sector, in the area of economic development, they are usually surprised. I don’t think they had me pegged as a “career woman”. Which is fine. I’m not a career woman. I’m a woman with a career.

I chose my career because I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to help create jobs and improve the lives of people in my community. I wanted to make a difference in my own life, and the lives of my family and friends. I wanted to use my skills and abilities to make a difference in the world. And I’ve been very lucky that I’ve been able to do that.

I think it is important to have a sense of purpose in your life, whatever form that may take. For me, it is about using my skills and experience to help others, and making a difference in the world. What is yours? I now mentor other women who want to have an impact in their communities and make a difference in the world.

You don’t need to have a “noble” profession to make a difference. You can make a difference in your family, your community, and your workplace. You can make a difference by being a good friend, and by being there for people when they need you. You can make a difference by being honest and fair.

So, whatever you do in life, do it with purpose. Do it with intention. Do it with passion. Do it with compassion. Do it with kindness. Do it with respect. And do it with love.

The Purpose of Learning #43 #cong22


When we talk about learning we often refer to the narrow confines of the formal learning that we undertake in the school or college setting but, learning happens along a continuum that doesn’t start when we start school for the first time or end when we leave school or college. Instead, we are always learning whether to enable us to complete a task, to upskill for work or simply to expand our interests.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. How do you define your learning?

  2. How do you learn informally?

  3. What has been your most powerful learning experience?

  4. The answers to above questions might help you to clarify what the purpose of learning is for you?

About Pamela O'Brien:

Pam O Brien is a lecturer in the Technological University of the Shannon. She is currently undertaking doctoral research in the area of informal learning through University College Dublin and also works on research projects across primary, secondary and third level education in the areas of digital citizenship, computer science education and the integration of technology in the classroom.

Contacting Pamela O'Brien:

You can connect with Pam  on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn @



By Pam O’Brien

When we talk about learning we are often referring to the formal learning that we have all gone through i.e., the learning that happens in the primary or secondary school classrooms or the college lecture halls that we have been in. For many people this type of learning was a positive experience where they followed a specific set of rules and performed well in the tests and examinations that punctuated their time in school and culminated in sitting the Leaving Cert.

But, for many others the process has left indelible marks that follow them as they navigate life after the Leaving Cert. As the start of the Leaving Cert draws nearer every year the talk in the media, both social and traditional, inevitably turns to how best to ‘get through’ this set of examinations that marks the end of your formal education as a child. Regardless of what happens after school, the Leaving Cert still weighs heavily on many students, while they are going through it and for many years after. The purpose of all of the learning that we have undertaken in the run up to these exams seems to distil down to how we perform in those exams and the points that we achieve. But we all know people who don’t perform well in these types of situations. The people who don’t work well under pressure but who achieve great things when given the time and space to flourish. The people who don’t see the point in learning off information, just to spew it back verbatim to score highly on an exam, but who bring a different approach when asked to come up with creative solutions to problems. The people who won’t go to college after school, for a multitude of reasons, but who still get caught up in the points race. At the end of secondary school, despite all the learning that students have undertaken, both through the taught curriculum and through the extracurricular activities and learning that they undertake. they get reduced to a number! A number that often dictates the way that the student sees themselves as well as the way that others see them.

So, what is the real purpose of learning? Is it helping a baby to communicate with their family, a toddler to take the first shaky steps that signifies the beginning of independence, a child to make friends and thrive socially, that same child to think creatively and develop good problem-solving skills, the adult who needs to complete a specific task? The truth is that learning is all of these things and it happens all of the time, often without us even knowing. As parents, we are very conscious of helping our children to develop to be able to partake in society in a meaningful way but we don’t do this formally. As educators, we are aware of helping our students to develop socially as well as academically but again this is often undertaken informally in the school environment. As managers, we are responsible for helping our staff members to develop their skills to enable them to contribute more fully in our workplace. This can happen through formal organised training events or through more informal activities such as mentoring etc. So, when we talk about learning maybe we need to broaden the lens through which we look at it and recognise that the purpose of learning is not confined to completing the Leaving Certificate and achieving the 625 points that now seems to be the gold standard against which everyone is measured. Learning does not start when we walk in the primary school classroom door and end when we walk out of the second level classroom or third level lecture hall. Learning happens all the time, from the day we are born to the day we die, and the true purpose of learning is to allow us to function fully in society, which will mean different things for different people. Somewhere along the way we may have lost sight of that point …

Finding Purpose Through Expressing Your Whole Self #42 #cong22

Fiona English


The key to purpose in life is to fully express all of who you are and can be. What you do, how you live, your relationships and your legacy will all flow naturally from a commitment to allow all parts of yourself to be seen and expressed in the world. Your life, work or business simply provide the vehicles through which you express your whole self. By becoming the fullest version of who we can be, we maximise our impact in the world. Each of us has the power to make a difference.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. The key to purpose in life is to fully express all of who you are and can be. What you do, how you live, your relationships and your legacy will all flow naturally from a commitment to allow all parts of yourself to be seen and expressed in the world. Your life, work or business simply provide the vehicles through which you express your whole self. By becoming the fullest version of who we can be, we maximise our impact in the world. Each of us has the power to make a difference.

  2. Becoming the person we are destined to be is about becoming more whole; We all have a desire to experience this ‘wholeness’. In transpersonal psychology or coaching, the belief is everyone is on a path of psychospiritual development whether it is acknowledged or not. You are either consciously or unconsciously searching for your ‘whole’ self. Abraham Maslow called this self-actualisation, Carl Jung referred to it as individuation; the path each individual takes to become whole.

  3. Living a fully expressed life matters. The world needs more people who are working to become more whole. It is a powerful choice. People working towards full expression become healthy, evolved, well rounded individuals. Healthy individuals come together to connect as healthy groups and societies. This is what the world needs.

About Fiona English:

Fiona is a keynote speaker, coach and thought leader who combines her extensive experience in global investment markets with expertise and thought leadership in human potential, purpose, leadership and self-expression.

Passionate about the areas of life that are innately human, the red thread that runs through all her work is the exploration of who we are & how we want to show up in the world. Recognised as a contemporary thinker and inspiring speaker in areas such as leadership, purpose, and self-expression, she has spoken at events in over 30 countries globally and was a semi-finalist in the Nordic Business Forum global speaking contest in 2022. In her previous career, she worked in global investment markets for nearly 20 years with institutional clients across multiple markets. In 2015, she was one of 50 women globally chosen to participate in the W50 Program in UCLA, California, aimed at building the next generation of global women leaders.

Through her MSc in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, Fiona conducted research into how spirituality, meaning, purpose, and authenticity manifest for individuals in our modern society. She continues to focus on her research areas of personal leadership, meaning and purpose, authenticity and spirituality through her speaking, thought leadership and writing. Alongside her speaking practice, she coaches and advises purpose-led entrepreneurs, business leaders and individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of who they are so they can live, work and lead with greater impact and authenticity.

Contacting Fiona English:

You can connect with Fiona on LinkedIn or see her work on her website.

By Fiona English

The desire for something to be different, for a renewed sense of meaning and purpose, is a common mid-life phenomenon. You may have ticked all the boxes society expected of you; maybe you went to college, built a career, bought a house, got married or had children. For the first time in 20 years, you take a breath. In this deeper breath comes a moment of expansion. A realisation there is an internal desire for more. A recognition there is more of you which wants the time and space to unfurl and be expressed in the world.

I was a classic mid-lifer. There was nothing wrong with my life. Quite the contrary. By any measure, I was what society termed ‘successful’. I was 38, on a steep career trajectory in a global investment firm, considered a star performer by my employers. I was financially comfortable, had a nice life, plenty of friends and family. I was happy. But when I took that deeper breath something inside me awoke from its slumber. Something deeper began calling me to put myself on a different path. And once it was awake, it was insistent it would take up the space it wanted in my life.

James Hollis, a Jungian psychotherapist and author I greatly admire, has noted, at different times in our life, the psyche will withdraw support for life as it is. Your soul decides it is time for change and growth, that there is something new inside you to be expressed. This is exactly what it felt like for me. At first, it was a tiny internal shift, hardly perceptible even to myself. One day, I just didn’t feel like I fit my life as neatly as I did previously. I am regularly asked how I knew it would be the right choice to embrace this change in my life. The truth is I never found that level of certainty. Rather, I was certain if I did not act on what my inner world was telling me, I would regret it. I knew, without any doubt, I was supposed to do something with my life that would put me in greater service of the world around me. I just had to figure out what that something was. I came to realise I wasn’t searching for something, I was searching for someone; for the person I knew I could be, the person who would show up in the world in a way that mattered. The actions I would take as a result would only be revealed to me when I had invested in and evolved to become the person I felt destined to be.

The Problem with Purpose & The Case For Expression

Social media posts everywhere assert you should ‘find your purpose’ suggesting purpose is just one thing, a holy grail you must uncover. In essence, taglines like this imply you must take a singular approach to a fulfilling life. This approach reinforces the idea of purpose as simply something we do. Specifically, something we work at or monetise. This is a gross over-simplification of purpose. Purpose is not static, not one thing you find. Purpose is part of your identity, constantly evolving and alive just as you are. There is no purpose without evolution of the Self. The very nature of a purposeful life is to evolve. To let go of who you are and commit to the possibility of who you can be.

The key to purpose in life is to fully express all of who you are and can be. The word ‘expression’ comes from the Latin ‘to press out’ referring to extracting or pressing out something that is already there. You don’t need to ‘find’ anything. Everything you need is already inside you. What you do, how you live, your relationships and your legacy will all flow naturally from a commitment to allow all parts of yourself to be seen and expressed in the world. Your life, work or business simply provide the vehicles through which you express your whole self. Becoming the fullest version of who you can be is how you grow your sense of purpose and maximise your impact in the world.

To Become Fully Expressed is to Become Whole

The circle is a fundamental symbol of human growth found across multiple cultures. In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the symbol of the Mandala represents the whole universe. In Jungian psychology, the mandala is used to represent the wholeness of the Self. We all have a desire to experience this ‘wholeness’. In transpersonal psychology, the belief is everyone is on a path of psychospiritual development whether it is acknowledged or not. You are either consciously or unconsciously searching for your ‘whole’ self. Abraham Maslow called this self-actualisation, Carl Jung referred to it as individuation; the path each individual takes to become whole. Feeling a lack of purpose is often simply a lack of wholeness; there are parts of you yearning to be acknowledged and expressed. Wholeness recognises we are not looking to be singular through ‘one’ purpose but rather to be complete through our fullest expression.

At some point, we all feel called to question how life can have greater significance because each of us wants to live a life that matters. The desire for purpose is rooted in that ideal. Whether you have acknowledged it or not, you have a vision for yourself and your place in the world. To answer this call is to decide you want to become a more fully expressed version of yourself, to recognise there is latent potential inside you which wishes to come into form. This inner desire matters. These internal nudges represent the inner knowing of your true path in life. Your inner self already understands your fully expressed self will fill some void in the world. That there is ‘purpose’ in your path towards wholeness, a space in the universal jigsaw that your fully expressed form will fit. To live a life of greater purpose is to trust this inner voice. To trust if this call is within you, the answers you seek will lie there also.

Becoming Fully Expressed Matters

Living a fully expressed life matters. The world needs more people who are working to become more whole. It is a powerful choice. People working towards full expression become healthy, evolved, well rounded individuals with a deep understanding of how purpose manifests in their lives. Healthy individuals come together to connect as healthy groups and societies. To become fully expressed is to recognise you, and everyone around you (whether it be your staff, your spouse or society) benefit most not simply from what you do but from the whole person you can become and what that person will be able to offer to our world.

What Purpose Was and What Technology has Made it #41 #cong22


In my blog post I talk about what purpose was for some people in the past, how technology has altered it and how it could potentially continue to change it.

Total Words


Reading Time in Minutes


Key Takeaways:

  1. Purpose is a sense of fulfilment which is achieved by getting the most out of life.

  2. Belief systems give us a sense of purpose.

  3. Technology and social media has detracted from our sense of purpose.

  4. Technology has the potential to completely derail our fulfilment in life.

About John Golden:

I’m a 25 year old from Dublin. I have a business degree but currently working in property. I enjoy most sports but primarily football and GAA. I am currently trying to enhance my sense of purpose by trying new things.

Contacting John Golden:

You can connect with John on LinkedIn or send him an email.

By John Golden

Simply put, purpose, for me is a sense of fulfilment. In order to achieve a sense of fulfilment, you have to get the most out of life. Getting the most out of life is, but not limited to, building and maintaining relationships, having new experiences, learning new things and seeing different places. In my blog post below, I touch on what purpose was in the past, how it has changed in the present and how it could continue to change going into the future as technology gives new power.

There are many things that influence people’s sense of purpose and one of these is our belief systems. Taking Ireland as an example – in the past where religion would have been at the forefront of peoples lives, the fundamentals of leading a good life by being charitable, helping others and sticking to the principles laid out by Catholicism would have given people guidelines to live by and in turn, given them purpose to uphold those values. I certainly believe that while upholding those values, at times, lead to bad decision making but people generally lived happy and fulfilled lives. In contrast, in today’s world where there is very much an absence of religion, people have turned to other things which gives them purpose. One of the main things people have turned to is politics. Political movements and policies have now turned into some people’s sole purpose, we see it with various activists for different movements, for which it seems to consume them entirely making some extremely angry and unwilling to listen to an opposing point of view, which has fuelled and exacerbated a divide worldwide. As these political movements do not come with guiding life principles and only to achieve their objective by whatever means, people are living less fulfilled lives and are becoming increasingly depressed and angry at their life.

Adding to this anger and depression is the social media factor. Social media is a doubled edged sword in the sense that it has made people want more out of life by seeing what their peers are getting up to – therefore pushing themselves to do more are, but also has them left feeling less fulfilled as they think that everyone else is doing and achieving more than them. However, I believe that social media is the number one destructive thing in today’s world. It has driven nearly everyone to a purpose of consumerism whether they realise it or not and that is something I’ve thought about a lot recently. The so-called rat race, to work for large companies to earn money just to give it back to them by buying different consumer items that essentially mean nothing. People do get a sense of fulfilment out of buying and owning these things, but it is effectively false and won’t last the test of time.

In times gone by and still very much so now the ultimate goal was to get married, have children and grow old with your family around you. Nowadays, due to social media and other influencing factors, there is a major attack on the nuclear family. While the majority are still getting married and having children, that number is reducing year on year. I feel social media is a factor in this as it keeps people always pushing and thinking they can get something better. As these people grow old without a family and children around them will they feel they lived a less fulfilled life?

As Facebook, now Meta, see the Metaverse as the way forward, it concerns me when I see how much time children and teenagers spend on their phones/tablets/video games – some children now incapable of eating a meal without a screen in front of them. I think it’s a very realistic possibility that there will be a significant amount of the population that spend 90% of their time in the metaverse – what will their purpose in life be?

I also wonder with the ever-increasing presence of AI and the new powers it is giving will people be permitted to have their sense of fulfilment and get the most out of life. There is a lot of talk now of a future cashless society and the use of one centralised digital currency, essentially giving our entire autonomy over to our governing bodies. Combine this with having a carbon allowance per day – already developed by Mastercard – will we go to the petrol pump and it will just tell us no? Will you be only able to spend your money in certain geographic reasons, under the guise of boosting economic activity? These scenarios may seem extreme but are very much possible in a cashless society. You may be thinking that I’ve gone off on a bit of a tangent but if something like this is implemented, it completely restricts people’s ability to find purpose and get the most out of life. There seems to be ever more restrictions put on us as a population and I just worry with the ability to implement such control, could it develop into something more sinister?

To conclude, the way I see it is that while technology has been a great enabler for us, it has also caused great damage. It has completely altered people’s sense of purpose and, in my opinion, believe that there is the very real possibility it could stop people from getting the most out of life as outlined in the opening paragraph.

Finding Purpose in Creating a Future Worth Living Into #40 #cong22


Purpose is a plethora of things for me so I thought I would illustrate it. Deconstructing the word to unlock its meaning and how I navigate the world.
I created each letter purposefully, each has its own story. Ask me about the one that makes you most curious…

Total Words


Reading Time in Minutes


Key Takeaways:

  1. Frame purpose as an open question

  2. Create purpose from the future

  3. Live into your purpose

  4. You are unique, find your flow

About Roisin Markham:

Roisin Markham is a systems expert and design thinking pioneer. An innovator, founder, future-thinker and technologist she has worked for more than twenty years helping clients align process to purpose by drawing a path from strategy to sustainable action.

A generous skills-sharer and ideas connector, Roisin is a visiting lecturer on design thinking and rapid prototyping at NUI Galway, and on digital facilitation practice at NCAD. A former artist with a social research practice she has worked in community education and with schools.
Roisin works as a designer with eBay.

She is the founder and network steward of the Irish Doughnut Economic Network, IDEN.

A founding member of RASDA a group responding to anticipated systemic disruption.

She volunteers locally with Wexford Environmental Network and Climate Action Wexford.

Roisin is a cultural thinker living with the question – How do we create a future worth living into?

Contacting Roisin Markham:

You can connect with Lorainne on Twitter and LinkedIn.

By Roisin Markham

Our lives are marked by transitions and big life events: life, death, birth, trauma & change. We typically view the lens and focus our purpose from the past.
Except I’m not typical.
As a designer, maker, cultural thinker I create future things.
So I come to my purpose with a future vision, ambition and work tactically to make it a reality.
Since Covid my purpose, my work, my thinking, influences and doing have changed both in my personal and professional life.

In a rouse to get myself to a first draft, I deconstructed PURPOSE and broke it down.



My main purpose is now around planet.
I am a climate activist with a eco-fem-soc-econ lens across local and global issues.
I speak to leaders, catalyse, steward, people weave, support and create movement labs using experiential & behavioral design, doughnut economics and well being frameworks. All the time living with the question
“How we might create a future worth living into?” and
“how we might live within planetary boundaries in a safe just space for humanity?”

*photo Down Patrick Head by Roisin Markham


I am grateful to have found a belonging since 2020 especially in places I volunteer & work. I am realising my unique and valued perspective. Never before have I felt so seen and appreciated. That’s given me courage and emboldened me to stretch into the difference I bring to spaces I live, work, play & learn in.

*photo a selfie taken at Earth Rising Eco Arts Festival, IMMA by Roisin Markham


This is the dance I learned young and continue to learn. A reoccurring growth opportunity that is not like GDP but a leveller. It humbles you. It allows you to move & be in ways that may have previously been unavailable to you. It allows me to be present, empathetic and build capacity… mine & others.

*photo of the Pavilion in the central courtyard on the opening night of Earth Rising Eco Arts Festival, IMMA by Roisin Markham


Purposeful experimenting finding my feet, exploring, opening up, sharing, unmaking, trying again, keeping curious, stopping. Sensing, synthesising, observing, tweaking, levers, inputs, relationships, feedback, redesign, regenerative, cyclical. Co-design with people not at them. Consciously being part of a system beyond human needs.

*photo unraveled wool, unmaking experiment October 2022 by Roisin Markham


As we move through life tough times and experiences can close us down. I’ve tried to stay open. I’m not always successful.
Sometimes my openness is to say no and purposefully create healthy boundaries. But I try to live with an open heart.

*photo sunflower, grown & photographed by Roisin Markham


I value quiet, restful, restorative quiet. Most often I find it in nature, wandering down our lane, over the sand dunne’s, pottering around the garden, planting, tending our food system. But also in self expression drawing, journaling, doodling, painting, photography, printing and making textiles. Colours, textures, patterns, bird song, our dogs and sometimes humans.
I realise having quiet personal time is an important part of my restorative practice. Not just in doing but in being.
I find solace in silence.

*photo nasturtium leaf, grown & photographed by Roisin Markham


E is for personal energy. Practice and being purposeful brings me energy. This helps me get into action easily, being in flow, making things happen, supporting others and getting the work done.

*from the thistle series, graphic digital editing, thistles grown & photographed by Roisin Markham

Since Covid, my purpose, work, my thinking, my activism, my influences, and doing have changed both in my personal and professional life. I continue to shape my own future living with questions.

#cong22 Attendee Briefing Note

Full Details of CongRegation 2022

The following is a breakdown and detail of the 10 different events over the three days of #cong22 so you can orientate yourself in advance.  This is a long read.

Overall Schedule.

Friday 25rd Ashford Castle (Booked Out – waiting list )

  • 19.00-22.00 A night of Purpose.
  • 20.00-23.00 Digital Embroidery session with Richard Millwood in Danaghers Hotel.  (earlier session for those not attending Ashford Castle)

Saturday 26th Unconference. Cong Village

  • 9.30-10.20 : Registration in Ryan’s Hotel
  • 10.20-10.30 : Opening address and move to venues.
  • 10.30-11.30 : Huddle 1
  • 12.00-13:00 : Huddle 2
  • 13.00-14.00 : Lunch
  • 14.00-15.00 : Huddle 3
  • 15.30-16.00 : Huddle 4
  • 16:00-17.00 : Workshops
  • 17.00 : Photo at Cong Cross
  • 17.30 : Reception in Ryan’s
  • 18.00-19.30 : Dinner in Lydons/Ryans/Danaghers/Pat Cohan
  • 19.30 : Poetry Open Mic Danagers.  MC Anne Tannam
  • 20.00–21.00 : Pound your heart out.  Boomwhackers session with Deanna

Sunday 27th. Cruise on Lough Corrib.

  • 11.00 am Departure from Ashford Pier

Ashford Castle Evening

This year we are changing the format from presentations to a panel discussion on Purpose.  The panels Panellists are keynote speaker, coach and leadership thought leader Fiona English,  philosopher and existential psychoanalyst Dr Stephen Costello, award winning football manager, former politician and cancer survivor, John O’Mahony and Caroilin Callery of Stroketown House and the National Famine Museum.  Their unique takes on purpose will be explored by moderator Joan Mulvihill.

This event is fully booked out with a waiting list on the registration sheet.  The venue can only hold 32 people so please check the sheet to see if your name is included. The full line up is also on the website.  Also, please note although we may have a reception beforehand, please grab something to eat before you get there as we won’t be serving food.

There is a reception in the castle from 7pm in the billiards room with the panel discussion kicking off at 8pm sharp.  Parking is in the car park located behind ‘Cullens At The Cottage’ (on the right before the bridge entrance) as the hotel is fully booked. There will be a shuttle service from the car park to the castle for attendees who would prefer not to walk but it is a 1 minute walk.

After Ashford Castle we will retire to Danaghers where Richard Millwood will introduce us to Digital Embroidery.  This session also being run for those not attending Ashford Castle.

Saturday Unconference Running Order

Registration takes place from 9.30-10.20 in Ryans Hotel with huddles beginning at each of the 8 venues at 10.30 sharp.  On arrival you will collect your lanyard from the hanging rack before signing in and getting your number.  This is a sticker that goes on your lanyard and tells you what venue you will be in and at what time according to the table.

Each venue has a chairperson who guides proceedings and will be completely briefed. The chairperson will ask 3 people to volunteer to speak at each huddle.  You have 10 minutes to discuss your topic, followed by a 5 minute Q&A. You choose how, where and when you wish to present.  We may have a card/clock system in operation and you will be given notice of midway, 2 minutes left (green) and 30 seconds to wrap up (red).  Each huddle will kick start with a short introduction of who you are and what you do but please limit this to a few short sentences (plenty of time at the breaks to share more about you).  The ice breaker is a ‘life hack’.  This is tip for helping with personal or business life and could range from a handy online tool you use to philosophical perspective.  This is designed to get everyone contributing from the start and is really helpful to all.  The earlier huddles will start with 3 speakers and the later ones may have two but this all depends on the final number on the day.  Those who have experienced CongRegation previously might volunteer for early presentations to get things moving.  The chair has a difficult task to keep things running smoothly so I would ask you to follow their guidance especially on timing, keeping on topic and including everyone in the narrative.  Expect robust exchanges but please be respectful and probe with questions rather than direct conflict.  Be willing to agree to disagree.

The spreadsheet/table on your lanyard is designed to try to ensure you meet new people at each session. Each session lasts one hour and you have 30 minutes to move to the next venue and chat with the other attendees. There are 4 sessions through out the day – two in the morning and two in the afternoon.  The final huddle is being reduced to 30 minutes to allow for the three workshops. We finish at 5pm with a group photo at the Cross in Cong Village.

We will all congregate in Ryan’s Hotel for a post unconference reception.  Dinner will be in Ryan’s/Danagher’s/Pat Cohan’s and Lydon’s.

16:00-17:00 Workshops

This year we will have four workshops on Saturday, during and after the unconference.  The first is Wayfinding by Barre Fitzpatrick at lunch time.

The next three take place at 4pm (we are cutting the last huddle to 30 mins).

  • Danagher’s Hotel: ‘Fake Purpose’ with Andy Green – Huddles move from Danaghers, Puddleducks and McHughes(Mike)
  • Lydon’s Hotel: ‘Inside the Donut’ with Roisin Markham.  Huddles move from Lydons and McHughes (Barry)
  • Ryans Hotel: The Robot Wrote my Report – AI Content creation by Stephen Howell.   Huddles move from Ryan’s The Irish History Book Store, Togher’s

19.30 Poetry Open Mic: Danaghers

Since the  inaugural session in 2018 the poetry open mic has survived the pandemic with Anne Tannam taking over the healm as MC. Put your name down on the sheet if you intend to take to the stage but you can also decide on the night.  These are rapid fire sessions.

20.00 Pound Your Heart Out – Boomwhackers

This year we are embracing the percussion power of the boomwhackers.  Recognising that concentration at 8pm can be limited Deanne from Drumadore will take us through the basics before attempting to get is up to play a tune together.   Boomwhackers are plastic tubes of different lengths that are individually tuned so banging it off a table will produce a result.  This session starts at 20.00 until 21.00.

Lough Corrib Cruise 11.00

In previous years we have explored local historical and archaeological sites, climbed mount gable, foraged in the forest and experienced mindfulness in the woods.  This year we are taking to the great lake of Lough Corrib.  This cruise is accompanied by the wonderfully informed narration by Patrick Luskin with stories of Ashford Castle to 3,000 year old dug out canoes.

The cruise will leave from Ashford Pier at 11am (parking behind Cullens).  It might also call into Lisloughrey Pier at 11.15am if you miss the Ashford departure.

Venues and Chairs

The chairs and the 8 venues for #cong22 are:

  1. Barry Kennedy | Mc Hughes | Two groups here. Lunch served.
  2. Richard Millwood | Danaghers | One group in the café to the right. Lunch served.
  3. Ruairi Kavanagh | Puddleducks | One group. Table at the window. Lunch served.
  4. Don Delaney | Elizabeth Togher’s | One group. Round table. Lunch in Danaghers.
  5. Cormac Kennedy | Lydons | One group. Downstairs. Lunch served here.
  6. Alan Costello | The Irish History Bookstore | One group. Lunch in Ryans.
  7. Mike O’Rourke | McHughes | Two groups. Lunch Served.
  8. Tony O’Kelly | Ryans | One Group | Upstairs area over the bar. Lunch served.


All venues have wifi but be warned it can be temperamental at best, so treat as a nice to have rather than guaranteed.   Similarly on phone coverage, some sides of the village are better than others.


You will have free tea/coffee in all venues and lunch on Saturday is all covered by the generous support of the sponsors –, the ICBE Advanced Productivity Skillnet, MKC Communications, Blacknight Solutions, Informed Decision, Grow Remote and Common Purpose .  Outside of the four venues (Togher Photo Studio, Rare and Recent book store) lunch will be in the last pre lunch venue.


There is now one ATM in Cong located in Danaghers Hotel but best to bring some cash with you just in case. The next nearest ATM is Clonbur Village about 5km away.


At the moment Lydons, Ryans, Pat Cohan and Danaghers will be serving dinner.  It is best to reserve in advances there are other events taking place in the village that day.  However  I am equally aware that many of you have yet to meet.  As the day progresses people self organise into dinners groups.  Please be open to welcoming any new comers into your groups.  This is a great chance to solidify friendships formed during the day.

Blog Submission

In preparation for #cong22 I really encourage you to read the other submissions and start the process of connecting with each other by either posting them on social media or commenting on the website.  The synopsis will help you speed read and focus on the ones that interest you. I have found my own perception of the Purpose theme being modified and evolving as I read other contributors.  For any still to submit please send them to me as soon as you can or let me know how you are getting on.  We are flexible on timing but really need to know that you will be there on the day.


Please use the large car park at the entrance to the village at the roundabout or behind O’Connor’s Spar Shop/Garage (closes at 7pm) and behind Ryans Hotel (be care of the tight turn – we have had a few bumps in the past).  Please do not park in front of Ryan’s Butchers and narrow points of the road (especially the front of Ryan’s Hotel) as large trucks have difficulty passing.  Daily we have in excess of 40 large articulated trucks passing through the village.

Getting to Cong

Most people are driving to Cong and the list of those willing to car pool is on the registration sheet.  If you are happy to take someone with you (great chance to get to know people) please let me know and similarly if looking for a lift please consult and connect with people.  There are a number of people looking for lifts from Galway.  You should allow for at least three hours for the car trip from Dublin.  If you are travelling by car for Friday evening in Ashford Castle my strong recommendation is to avoid Galway City and to detour off the Motorway for Claregalway, Corrundula and then back on to the Headford road to Cong Village.  This involves 20 mins of national roads but will save you a lot of time getting through Galway traffic chaos.  On Saturday morning this will not be a problem.

Buses to Galway are available every half hour from Citylink, GoBus and Bus Eireann. The nearest train station is Claremorris (30 mins), Galway (45 mins) and Castlebar (40 mins).  Car pooling will help those taking public transport to finish the final leg to Cong.


Let’s assume it will be wet and cold so please bring warm clothing and wet gear especially if planning on walks in the woods and the cruise.


As it’s a tourist venue Cong has a good supply of hotels and B&Bs but most of the immediate rooms are booked out.   However last minute places do become available.   If you have yet to book please check out the listings on the site but a quick search will produce more options a short trip away in Clonbur Village.  It is best to phone the hotels as they have block booked rooms for us. Taxi services are available to get back to your accommodation if outside the village.  There are also some nice options on AirBnB.

Centralised Registration

I have centralised registration booking with 7 separate tabs for the events where I need to know the numbers.  The really important ones are the unconference on Saturday Ashford Castle (we cannot squeeze any more than the lucky 32 in so check if your name is on the sheet before going to the castle), poetry open mic, the cruise and last minute accommodation. Please check out the different tabs and put in your names and numbers.  (Contact eoin at congregation dot ie if you dont have access to the registration sheet)

Remote Attendance

We have 5 remote attendees this year from the US, Canada and the Netherlands.  We really appreciate that you will be getting up extremely early to attend.   We will set up separate Zoom links for each attendee and dial you in from the following venues

  • Puddleducks
  • Ryans
  • The Irish History Book Store
  • McHughes
  • Danaghers

I will brief the chairs at these venues with the first huddle Zoom link opening at 10:30am Irish time.  The chair will try to move the laptop to the person presenting so that you will have the best opportunity to hear their contributions.  Bear in mind some venues might be a bit noisy.

Health & Safety

Dr Michael Regan is the nearest doctor located near the entrance to Cong Village in the Lynn Medical Centre  (094) 9546006.  The is one modern pharmacy in Cong Village run by Cormac on (094) 954 6119.  The defibrillator is located outside O’Connors Spar Shop.  Please report any medical incidents to Eoin on 086 8339540.

At this point we are on target for over 80-100 attendees, 8 chairs and some observers spread over 10 events on three days.  Your attendance is really important to the smooth running of the event and if by any chance you cannot make it please let me as soon as possible as we will need to find replacements.  It is also not too late for new people to attend so if you know of anyone please share this email, direct them to me or the website.

Respectful Debate

The range of perspectives in the submissions this year will be a catalyst for lots of debates and sharing of insights .  Expect divergent views and opinions.  I just ask you to be respectful but don’t shy from challenge and the richness of discussion this offers.  I am also extending a challenge to the more confident to encourage the quieter voices through inclusive contributions.  Please also take the guidance of the chairs who have a difficult task and only wish to have all voices heard.

In the event of something unforeseen happening could you please add your mobile number to the registration sheet or send to me.

This event would not be possible without the generous support of, Advanced Productivity Skillnet, MKC Communications, Blacknight, Informed Decisions, Grow Remote and Common Purpose  and I would like to show my sincerely appreciation for their leap of faith in enabling this event to take place.