2017 Submissions
Innovation #cong17
Kissing Frogs: Thoughts From Being Rejected #7 #cong17
Synopsis: The world is often not as enthusiastic about your innovation as you are. How dare they? Some thoughts on getting other people [...]
Innovation in AI is accelerating – should we be afraid? #31 #cong17
Synopsis: For every positive story about the potential for innovation in AI, there is another about how AI "could spell the end of [...]
lnnovation = Big Bucks #33 #cong17
Synopsis: In many ways to innovate is to diversify, implying a multiplication factor to one's business offering. But why do so few companies [...]
Identify, Isolate, Destroy #42 #cong17
Synopsis: I explore the notion of ‘innovation’ in retail banking. Using the immune system and sci-fi imagery as metaphor I explain why innovation [...]
Hierarchy, the Environment, IT and Community. #44 #cong17
Synopsis: There is a great risk of permanent damage to our environment. Our hierarchic system of society is a major factor in causing [...]
It’s Time to Wake Up! #50 #cong17
Synopsis: Fear will always be part of our nature, and perhaps it is our fears, more than anything, that make us who we [...]
Me, Myself and the Entrepreneur. #51 #cong17
Synopsis: When you invest all of yourself in your idea or your business, over time it becomes who you are. So what happens [...]
Innovation As A Lifestyle #52 #cong17
Synopsis: I have lived in six different places over the last two and a half years. Each place was miles apart from the [...]
Bridging the Gap Between Communication and Connection #53 #cong17
Synopsis: In the “new media” era, it has never been more important for companies to constantly innovate in how they communicate with their [...]
We Make Pesto, Not iPhones! #60 #cong17
Synopsis: Enterprise support agencies regularly struggle to connect start-ups and small businesses with the range of supports available to de-risk the innovation process. [...]