Dr Stephen Costello - The World is Relatively Real
Talk by Dr Stephen Costello at the Night of Reality in Ashford Castle on 24th Nov 2023 entitled The World is Relatively Real: A Philosophical Perspective. Summary Markets rise and fall. Thoughts and feelings come and go. Things come into existence and pass out of existence. Is everything ephemeral and evanescent? Does anything endure?. This empirical world seems so real but it is in constant change. Only what is absolutely real lasts, perdures. But what is that? Dr Stephen J. Costello, PhD is a philosopher, psychoanalyst, founder of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Ireland, an Enneagram coach, and the author of 16 books. www.stephenjcostello.com
David Moore - The Universe
As part of the reality themed CongRegation 2023 #cong23 David Moore gives a whistle stop tour of the realities of the universe in Ashford Castle on Nov 24th 2023. For more information non Astronomy Ireland see www.astronomyireland.ie
Aileen Carville - Virtual Avatars
Speaking at the ‘Night of Reality’ in Ashford Castle as part of CongRegation 2023 #cong23 serial fashion tech entrepreneur Aileen Carville, CEO and Co Founder COLONII, explains how her company COLONII is cultivating a digital society with a cast of indigenous avatars operating and transacting across social and virtual worlds.
Aldo Jordan - Multiple Realities
In a talk entitled “Multiple realities” Aldo Jordan, Irish School of Shamanic Studies explained that the main remit of the Shaman is to enter and exit multiple states of reality at will for divination purposes, something that is steeped in our very own Irish Spiritual practices.