2017 Topics

Talking Ideas - On Friday 23rd November 5 speakers will share their lifetime of stories and learning of working with ideas in the private cinema in the private Cinema in Ashford Castle, Cong.

Padraig McKeon
Innovation? – It’s not all blue skies and bright ideas

I used wonder about Innovation and what it was about, so I delved into the literature a little more to see what type of person, more importantly in a business or public context, what type of organisation and more importantly again, what processes are required to be 'innovative'... or is that prescriptive

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Padraig McKeon
Innovation? – It’s not all blue skies and bright ideas
Damian Costello
Ireland's Innovation Ecosystem and specifically its roll in Ireland's future prosperity.

Damian will explore: How we now have an ecosystem, what can we do to make the future happen, collaboration between the various camps of professionals, lead collaborative mash-ups between the different industries - medtech and insurance, energy and finance, pharma and internet etc, innovation can only lead this transformation in our favour if the ecosystem deliberately conspired to do the inevitable here first...

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Damian Costello
Ireland's Innovation Ecosystem and specifically its roll in Ireland's future prosperity.
Paddy Delaney
A Fish Out of Water Can Breathe?

Lots of the stalwarts of industry (particularly my own Financial Services) pay lip service to innovation yet stifle true innovation. My philosophy is that the Social Drivers in us all will win out in the end and allow a space for real innovation with true values to flourish, eventually!

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Paddy Delaney
A Fish Out of Water Can Breathe?
Ailish Irvine
Parenting and Innovation. Nature vs Nurture

Are we born entrepreneurial ? Do we learn to be innovative, Can it be taught?
How much does our parenting, educational system and cultural beliefs determine our ability to succeed in business?.
I will examine famous risk takers and look at the freedom we allow our children to take risks and be creative.

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Ailish Irvine
Parenting and Innovation. Nature vs Nurture
Sabine McKenna
Learning Innovation

For three months, I intend to log my digital learning and educating. Let's see what I discover!

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Sabine McKenna
Learning Innovation
Bernard Chanliau
How to Accelerate and Sustain Business Innovation?

Innovative, chaotic, enterprising Entrepreneurship and managing a ScaleUp in order to optimise revenue growth are not separate because entrepreneurism is management. Research and my lived experience of coaching EASME H2020 Phase 2 ScaleUps across Europe shows the biggest barrier to innovation is the suppressive effect of culture and leadership.

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Bernard Chanliau
How to Accelerate and Sustain Business Innovation?
Gavin Duffy
Why are Followers more Successful than Innovators.

Gavin will share examples of innovation where it is more profitable to copy rough innovation - let the innovators make the hard yards in creating the market, and then swan in with an improved version and make it really successful. Examples include....

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Gavin Duffy
Why are Followers more Successful than Innovators.
Ruairi Kavanagh
Reimagining Travel

Ruairi will look at how new and future innovations in the travel will look from the airport of the future to new modes of transport.

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Ruairi Kavanagh
Reimagining Travel
Paul O'Mahony
Paul O’Mahony
Not Copying Will Make You Stronger

To be an innovative experience - this will have to be like to other huddle you've ever been at. It better surprise you - at least.

That's the challenge. It's no good talking about ``innovation`` - you have to experience it & behave accordingly.

That's why it's not easy or common - unless 'innovation' is a cliché.

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Paul O’Mahony
Not Copying Will Make You Stronger
Ginger Aarons
Innovation and the Importance of Failure

If you’re not innovating, you’re not failing. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing. I’ll be exploring what happens when you fail and the steps you go through for continued growth and knowledge to become a great person or company after failing at your latest innovation..

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Ginger Aarons
Innovation and the Importance of Failure
Ginger Aarons
Innovation and the Importance of Failure

If you’re not innovating, you’re not failing. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing. I’ll be exploring what happens when you fail and the steps you go through for continued growth and knowledge to become a great person or company after failing at your latest innovation..

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Ginger Aarons
Innovation and the Importance of Failure
Sue Redmond
Innovation is a State of Mind

How often have you been stumped, stuck or befuddled? Challenges and struggles are a natural part of life. The first chimp to pick up a stone and use it as a tool, probably didn't have a lean canvas and a systematic process to help solve this problem. Instead it saw an opportunity. Capacity for innovative thinking is held in our mind when we can see a problem clearly. What state of mind is most innovative?

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Sue Redmond
Innovation is a State of Mind
Finola Howard
Innovation is about Attitude, Culture and Process

If you want to be successful in innovation, it's got to be embraced wholeheartedly in the business. By it's nature it's disruptive but not to those who are doing it. It's just who they are. Successful Innovation is about Attitude, Culture and Process. Let's discuss the winners here and how it can be applied.

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Finola Howard
Innovation is about Attitude, Culture and Process
Dermot Casey
``The Curse of Innovation``

If you want to be successful in innovation, it's got to be embraced wholeheartedly in the business. By it's nature it's disruptive but not to those who are doing it. It's just who they are. Successful Innovation is about Attitude, Culture and Process. Let's discuss the winners here and how it can be applied.

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Dermot Casey
``The Curse of Innovation``
Amanda Webb
Can Small Businesses be Innovative with Content Marketing on a Budget?

When we look at the most innovative businesses with content marketing we tend to look at big business. This can often seem out of reach to businesses on a shoestring marketing budget.
Is it possible to be innovative when you have no budget and limited internet access?

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Amanda Webb
Can Small Businesses be Innovative with Content Marketing on a Budget?
Eoin Kennedy
Building Sand Castles on the Beach

Eoin will share his own personal experience in innovation through an analogy of building sand castle on a beach while fighting the tide, watching progress getting wiped out, moving further up the beach and constantly rebuilding.

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Eoin Kennedy
Building Sand Castles on the Beach
Simon Cocking
Innovation, how to encourage it, among all ages.

It can be hard to actually encourage and achieve innovation.
Lots of people talk about it, but just telling people to 'go and be creative' is often a meaningless statement.
Based on 30 years of varying degrees of success and failure, here are some insights!

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Simon Cocking
Innovation, how to encourage it, among all ages.
Alastair McDermott
Innovation in Web Design

Previous Submissions:

2016: The Future of Web Design. #cong16

2015: Learning from 12 Months of Conscious Social Media #cong15

2014: What hope for us, the anti-social? #cong14

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Alastair McDermott
Innovation in Web Design
Bernard Joyce
Innovation is Key for the Sustainable Village

Previous Submissions:

2016: ``If Things Don’t Change, They’ll Stay The Way They Are.” #cong16

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Bernard Joyce
Innovation is Key for the Sustainable Village
Haydn Shaughnessy
Innovating for Scale Scope and Speed: Some principles of FLOW

Markets around the world are growing in size (markets of billions) and are increasingly being served with platforms that deliver a very broad scope of products and services (think Amazon business). Winners in the game of scale and scope operate at speed, including continuously innovating across all their offerings. In this conversation Haydn Shaughnessy talks about FLOW, a model for continuous innovation based on the most widely available asset any company has - social interaction and conversation.

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Haydn Shaughnessy
Innovating for Scale Scope and Speed: Some principles of FLOW
Claire O’Connell
A Cunning Plan to Help Everyone Engage with Innovation.

As a science journalist, I speak with researchers, technologists and innovators on a daily basis, and it's my job to enable non-specialists to better understand their work. This isn't always easy. Sometimes the work they do is complicated and niche - like the subplot of one episode of a soap opera you have never seen, so you don’t know the characters, what has gone before and what this plot line will mean for the future..

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Claire O’Connell
A Cunning Plan to Help Everyone Engage with Innovation.
Claire O’Connell
A Cunning Plan to Help Everyone Engage with Innovation.

As a science journalist, I speak with researchers, technologists and innovators on a daily basis, and it's my job to enable non-specialists to better understand their work. This isn't always easy. Sometimes the work they do is complicated and niche - like the subplot of one episode of a soap opera you have never seen, so you don’t know the characters, what has gone before and what this plot line will mean for the future..

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Claire O’Connell
A Cunning Plan to Help Everyone Engage with Innovation.
Chris Armstrong
Innovation & Why Piloting Innovation Services in Ireland is not a Good Idea!

Innovation in Ireland is overly concentrated on tax credits for the large multinationals rather than in the Irish SME's. Government and the political classes have too much vested interest in maintaining the status quo and are the blockers to real disruptive innovative services been developed and test piloted first in Ireland. Disruption wont be allowed when government and civil servants control major stakes in Banking, Electricity, Gas, and of course NAMA now the world's biggest property company....

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Chris Armstrong
Innovation & Why Piloting Innovation Services in Ireland is not a Good Idea!
Cronan McNamara
Data Innovation.

Data Innovation - the competing roles of data and creativity in the innovation process. Creativity for ideas and rigorous measurement of their value via experiments and measurement.

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Cronan McNamara
Data Innovation.
Bernie Goldbach
Secondary Effect of Innovation

Bernie will explore the hidden impact of innovation that frequently makes things we take for granted today obsolete in the future. Innovation can create an unpredicted ripple effect - sometimes good, sometimes bad.

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Bernie Goldbach
Secondary Effect of Innovation
Denis O’Hora
“I wouldn’t start from here” - Where Does Innovation Come From?

One of my favorite stories about getting directions in rural Ireland is one in which a tourist in Connemara asks a local how to get to Letterfrack. The local replies, “Well, I wouldn’t start from here”.
I use this story as a way to help clients realize “where they are” when they start to make a decision because, so often, we start in the wrong place. We start with embedded ideas about the decision that we are not even aware of. We lean towards doing what we’ve done before without sometimes realizing what we are ruling out....

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Denis O’Hora
“I wouldn’t start from here” - Where Does Innovation Come From?
Gerard Tannam
Bridging The Gap Between People (Not Things)

Too often, that great innovative leap forward sees people left behind. Innovation needs to bridge the gap between what people rather than things can do.

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Gerard Tannam
Bridging The Gap Between People (Not Things)
John Davitt
Innovation in Instruction

How do you do? A formal enquiry we could also apply to the classroom or boardroom. If the learning happens mostly in the doing (and research into active learning suggest that it does ) then how is the doing done- what is the main form of doing in the classroom or workplace?....

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John Davitt
Innovation in Instruction
David Pollard
What is an Innovation Pioneer?

Three years ago, I was a builder. Now I work with Assistive Technologies and Educational Technologies instead of blocks! This November, I will be able to reflect on my first year as the Innovation Pioneer at Rehab Group. I will share my learnings about what it means to be an innovator, what drives someone to push themselves outside their comfort zone, and how innovation shouldn't be confined to our 'real' job! A positive outlook on being the change you want to see!

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David Pollard
What is an Innovation Pioneer?
Louis Grenier
Want to find the next breakthrough idea?

Previous Submissions:

2016: Trust is the Future of Marketing #cong16

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Louis Grenier
Want to find the next breakthrough idea?
Fergal O’Connor
Madness or Human - Doing the Same Thing Over & Over, Expecting Different Results.

Using his experience of taking a very traditional industry - newspapers and radio - Fergal will look at the best ways to help the players in that industry evolve by making their lives easier through innovation while also fostering a sense of community and growth together. He will also ponder - will businesses care, will they just keep doing the same as they’ve always done and not because they are mad but because it is the human default state to avoid change and innovation. Finally he will look...

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Fergal O’Connor
Madness or Human - Doing the Same Thing Over & Over, Expecting Different Results.
Daniel Ramamoorthy
The Intersection of Faith and Innovation

Daniel’s talk will explore the history of innovation in the church, contemporary examples of where technology and church have intersected and opportunities in the future where the church needs to 'catch up’.

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Daniel Ramamoorthy
The Intersection of Faith and Innovation
Daniel Ramamoorthy
The Intersection of Faith and Innovation

Daniel’s talk will explore the history of innovation in the church, contemporary examples of where technology and church have intersected and opportunities in the future where the church needs to 'catch up’.

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Daniel Ramamoorthy
The Intersection of Faith and Innovation